tandfonline.com – Organizational characteristics of successful and failing schools: a theoretical framework for explaining variation in student achievement

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Why do some schools bring forth high achievement levels, whereas others do not? To understand the mechanisms behind school success, one must examine schools as organizations and the social relations and interactions among their members. By integrating the literature on educational effectiveness and sociological institutionalism, this article presents a study of four successful and four failing schools in Sweden regarding the impact of schools’ internal organization on student achievement. The results demonstrate that the two types of schools have distinct organizational characteristics, which show significant stability over time. Linking organizational characteristics and student outcomes, we argue that (a) the varying social reality of teachers and principals among the two types of schools fosters different types of actions and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Appraising research on personalized learning: Definitions, theoretical alignment, advancements, and future directions

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This article introduces a special issue comprising research on efforts to personalize learning in different academic subjects. We first consider the emergence of personalized learning (PL) and the myriad of definitions that describe its essential features. Thereafter, we introduce the articles in the special issue by examining their alignment to extant theories of learning, the instructional design features that personalize the learning experience based on a learner characteristic, and the relationships between PL design and outcomes achieved in an educational context. Based on observations of contemporary PL research, we identify key issues to be addressed by the field and recommendations for future researchers to undertake to advance a PL theory. Chief among issues with PL are the role… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Embodying education – a bildung theoretical approach to movement integration

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Movement integration (MI) has become a significant part of contemporary educational policy; it implies that teachers of any school subject are responsible for organizing movement activities that are of educative value. In this paper, we use Wolfgang Klafki’s Bildung theoretical analysis to examine contemporary approaches to MI and clarify dominant theoretical and didactic ways of working with MI. We aim to suggest a new understanding of MI by applying Klafki’s conception of categorial Bildung. We argue that it enables educators to emphasize the educative and existential potential of the embodied, social and emotional involvement with the academic content. Our analyses illustrates the thorough didactic consideration needed to transform an educational policy into real-world education. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Recruitment strategies in a university institution: a theoretical cost minimization approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract We study faculty recruitment issues in a university. We develop a cost minimization model that considers the decision-making process for the university administration by proposing a new approach of selecting tenure and non-tenure track faculty who are expected to achieve the institutional research and teaching goals. We explain the existence of tenure from an economic perspective. We propose a faculty tenure-granting process for a variety of institutions ranging from pure-teaching, teaching emphasis, research emphasis and pure-research institutions. We… Continue Reading