Eric.ed.gov – Illinois Early Learning Project Tip Sheets: Math and Science.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Illinois Early Learning Project (IEL) is funded by the Illinois State Board of Education to provide information resources on early learning and training related to implementing the Illinois Early Learning Standards for parents and for early childhood personnel in all settings. The IEL tip sheets offer suggestions to parents and early childhood personnel on a variety of topics related to children’s early experiences. This set of four tip sheets, in English- and Spanish-language versions, relates specifically to mathematics and science. Titles are as follows: (1)”CSI: Child Scientist Investigates!” which discusses ways to draw on preschoolers’ natural curiosity to teach them about science and scientific methods; (2) “Encouraging Scientific Thinking: Animal Study in the Classroom”; (3) “Things To Do while You’re Waiting: Math”; and (4) “Things To… Continue Reading