Eric.ed.gov – Project TOPS. Final Evaluation Report. Math Research and Evaluation Studies.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: TOPS, a set of materials designed to improve problem solving instruction, was evaluated in two large urban school districts from Fall 1980 to Spring 1982. At Site A, the program was implemented at the middle school level (grades 5-8), where most mathematics teachers were specialists; they accepted the problem-solving activities after some initial hesitation. At Site B, the program was implemented in grades 3-8, though most often in grades 4 and 5, usually by teachers who were not mathematics specialists. They varied in their belief that the activities would improve problem-solving ability, and, even though in year 2 they were allowed to develop lessons involving problem-solving strategies tied more closely to textbooks and tests, problem solving was never completely accepted by all teachers. At Site A, 80… Continue Reading