tandfonline.com – Assessing the Effect of Corequisite English Instruction Using a Randomized Controlled Trial

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Assessing the Effect of Corequisite English Instruction Using a Randomized Controlled Trial Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Can students with different language backgrounds profit equally from a language-responsive instructional approach for percentages? Differential effectiveness in a field trial

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Language-responsive instructional approaches are intended to enhance the mathematics learning of students with low academic language proficiency, mostly by enriching mathematical content trajectories with systematic language-learning opportunities. However, little is known about their effects (and in particular differential effects) in linguistically diverse classrooms. The paper reports on a cluster-randomized field trial investigating the effectiveness of a language-responsive instructional approach for percentages in 38 mathematics classrooms with 655 seventh graders. The multilevel regression analysis shows that the intervention group developed significantly more conceptual understanding of percentages than the control group. In the intervention group, no differential effects were found for language proficiency, multilingual background, and immigrant status. These findings suggest that all students’ access to mathematical conceptual understanding can… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Overcoming methodological challenges due to COVID-19 pandemic in a non-pharmacological caregiver-child randomly controlled trial

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has had huge consequences in all aspects of our lives, including the development of research activities. Studies involving face-to-face interaction with people, such as randomized controlled trials, were the first affected. The objective of this article is to present the insights on challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic onto an ongoing randomized controlled trial assessing a non-pharmacological intervention carried out with the participation of caregiver-child dyads. Findings contribute to the scarce literature on online synchronous data collection for quantitative studies, when in addition to the data it is necessary to assess observable behaviors. Video-conferencing proved to be a feasible alternative to face-to-face assessment interviews, which require video recording, and should… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Baseline Report for the Mixed-Methods Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of Impact Network’s eSchool 360 Model in Rural Zambia. Making Research Relevant

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Low- and middle-income countries have made significant progress getting children into school, but student learning and achievement are often dreadfully low (Berry, Barnett, & Hinton, 2015; Pritchett, 2013). Approximately 250 million children across the world are not acquiring basic reading and math skills, even though about half have spent at least 4 years in school (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation, 2014). Zambia faces many common educational challenges. Literacy rates among young Zambian adults ages 15–24 are 58.5% for females and 70.3% for males, despite an average of 7.7 years and 7.9 years of education, respectively (Zambia Demographic and Health Surveys, 2013–14; UNICEF, 2015). Community schools in Zambia are in need of a cost-effective solution for delivering quality education in order to improve learning outcomes. The… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Trial with academic elite programmes in the comprehensive upper-secondary education in Sweden: a case study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Sweden has a long tradition of comprehensive upper-secondary education. This began in the early 1970s. It culminated in 1994 with all the programmes having a core curriculum that gave general eligibility to higher education. Conservative and liberal governments have introduced several neoliberal school reforms, which the subsequent social democratic government has done little or nothing to change. In 2009, the government initiated a trial with academic elite programmes. The aim of this article is to analyse how and why the elite programmes translated into and transformed local school practices as they did. The study builds on interview and questionnaire data from school principals, university teachers, upper-secondary teachers and students involved in the programmes that started in 2010, and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Effects of aerobic and cognitively-engaging physical activity on academic skills: A cluster randomized controlled trial

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This cluster randomized controlled trial (trial-number #) compares effects of two school-based physical activity interventions (aerobic vs. cognitively-engaging) on reading, mathematics, and spelling achievement; and whether effects are influenced by volume of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and baseline achievement. Twenty-two primary schools participated, where a third and fourth grade class were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. Intervention groups were randomly assigned to a 14-week aerobic or cognitively-engaging intervention, receiving four physical education lessons a week. Control groups followed their regular physical education program. Academic achievement of 891 children (mean age 9.17 years, 49.4% boys) was assessed with standardized tests before and after the interventions. Post-Test academic achievement did not significantly differ between intervention groups and control group.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preliminary Findings from a Multi-Year Scale-Up Effectiveness Trial of Everyday Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Given the importance of early mathematics instruction and curricula for preventing mathematics difficulties in later grades, it is necessary to identify effective mathematics curricula and instruction to ensure that children become proficient in early mathematics content and procedures. Everyday Mathematics (EM), was reviewed by the What Works Clearinghouse and is reported to have “potentially positive effects” on students’ mathematics achievement. However, most of the studies that have evaluated EM have used quasi-experimental designs or are small-scale randomized control trials. This study reports the preliminary year one findings for Kindergarten and 3rd grade cohorts of the first scale-up evaluation of this widely used curriculum. The results of this study will contribute to understanding whether EM is effective in promoting mathematic proficiency in the elementary grades when implemented “at… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Visualisation and network analysis of physical activity and its determinants: Demonstrating opportunities in analysing baseline associations in the Let’s Move It trial

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Visualisation and network analysis of physical activity and its determinants: Demonstrating opportunities in analysing baseline associations in the Let’s Move It trial Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Increasing secondary-level teachers’ knowledge in statistics and probability: Results from a randomized controlled trial of a professional development program

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract Reflecting growing emphasis on data analysis and statistical thinking in the information age, mathematics curriculum standards in the U.S. have recently increased expectations for student learning in the domain of statistics and probability. More than 180 teachers in 36 public school districts in Florida applied for a two-week summer institute designed to increase teachers’ content and pedagogical content knowledge in statistics and probability. Individual teachers were assigned at random to a treatment or business-as-usual comparison group. The two-week… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Cluster Randomized Trial of a Large-Scale Education Initiative in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Pilot Year Impacts on Teacher Development

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A wealth of research, primarily in high income countries, has accumulated in recent years evaluating teacher effectiveness and the processes through which teachers’ performance and job satisfaction can be improved (e.g., Pianta, Mashburn, Downer, Hamre & Justice, 2008; Ross, 1992; 1995). Much less is known about how these processes operate for teachers in low-income countries, where schools may be located in high conflict areas with low resources that can pose strains on teachers, students and their interactions. In the past several years, there has been a growing interest in rigorous evaluation research in developing countries to help inform policy and practice. This paper applies rigorous methodology to consider the question of whether and how an intervention can improve teachers’ motivation, job satisfaction and professional development in the… Continue Reading