Eric.ed.gov – A Matter of Trust: Ten Key Insights from Recent Public Opinion Research on Attitudes about Education among Hispanic Parents, Students and Young Adults

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In many respects, Hispanic families share the aspirations and anxieties of many other families nationwide: They are keenly focused on the role completing high school and going to college will play in their children’s future. Students and young adults see success in school and college as key to interesting work and a prosperous future, and most are optimistic about their prospects. Yet Hispanic parents, students and young adults also describe concerns, ideas, approaches and relationships with the public school system in ways that are sometimes distinctive. This brief, graphical summary, based on Public Agenda surveys taken over the last few years, lays out the chief differences and similarities. Summarized findings are taken from three different Public Agenda reports: (1) “Life after High School: Young People Talk about… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Analysing the constitution of trust in peer-based teacher mentoring groups – a sociocultural perspective

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Trust is essential in any kind of peer-based mentoring. Taking a sociocultural view, this study focuses on how trust emerges relationally in a higher education context where colleagues observe and give feedback on one another’s teaching. The term peer mentoring refers here to a collaborative approach in which faculty staff observe and give feedback on one another’s teaching. The data in the study draw on video observations of and interviews with a four-member (senior faculty) peer group observed over a 5-month period. The analysis of the group interactions shows how the members made themselves vulnerable during peer review and reveals the implication of trust in this collaborative setting. The sociocultural perspective draws here attention to the key role… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Somatic Vigilance and Sonic Skills in Experimental Plasma Physics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In contemporary laboratory workstations, automation promises a technological fix for producing more robust workflows. By insulating the experiment from tacit or embodied knowledge, it is expected to produce more reliable output. This apparent tension between trustworthy disembodied protocols and the unreliable human factor should not, however, be taken at face value. Instrument operators routinely face uncertainties and instrument opacity, and their concerns may be further aggravated when processes are automated. In some contexts, therefore, researchers cultivate such embodied practices precisely to assure themselves of the reliability of automated instruments and protocols. This qualitative study of research practice in a multi-disciplinary research group in physics and materials science shows that researchers complement instrument readings with ‘somatic vigilance’, a set… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Ability tracking and social trust in China’s rural secondary school system

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The goal of this paper is to describe and analyze the relationship between ability tracking and student social trust, in the context of low-income students in developing countries. Drawing on the results from a longitudinal study among 1,436 low-income students across 132 schools in rural China, we found a significant lack of interpersonal trust and confidence in public institutions among poor rural young adults. We also found that slow-tracked students have a significantly lower level of social trust, comprised of interpersonal trust and confidence in public institutions, relative to their fast-tracked peers. This disparity might further widen the gap between relatively privileged students who stay in school and less privileged students who drop out of school. These results… Continue Reading