tandfonline.com – Developing design principles and task types for classroom response system tasks in mathematics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract This article reports on results from a design research project that implements a formative assessment practice with support from a classroom response system (CRS). Cumulatively building on earlier research and drawing on iteratively generated data from secondary schools in Sweden, the article elaborates on design principles and task types for constructing CRS tasks aimed at generating mathematical classroom discussions. The study generated three design principles, six task types and 31 empirically evaluated tasks useful for developing and using CRS tasks in classroom practices. The results are discussed in relation to earlier research, methodological considerations and the cultural context of Sweden. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Computer Anxiety: Relationship to Math Anxiety and Holland Types.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Although the number of computers in the school system is increasing, many schools are not using computers to their capacity. One reason for this may be computer anxiety on the part of the teacher. A review of the computer anxiety literature reveals little information on the subject, and findings from previous studies suggest that basic controlled research is needed. A study was undertaken to measure computer anxiety in a college population and to determine the relationship of computer anxiety to personality types and math anxiety. Undergraduates (N=59) completed Oetting’s Computer Anxiety Scale (COMPAS), A Questionnaire About Computers, the Math Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS), and the Vocational Preference Inventory to determine Holland types. Demographic data revealed that subjects had limited access to computers and only a minimal amount… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – On the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ reading fluency, their personality types and learning styles

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between EFL personality types, their learning style, and their reading fluency. To this end, 130 male and female intermediate EFL learners were selected from three institutes. They were asked to fill in two questionnaires including a Holland’s questionnaire of personality types and Reid’s Perceptual Learning Style Preference (PLSP) Survey. Moreover, they were asked to read a reading section of Active Skills for Reading to measure their reading fluency. Pearson coefficient of correlation was employed to answer the first and second research questions and a multiple regression analysis was run after checking the preliminary assumptions. The results of the study indicated that there is a significant relationship between… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Communications in Curriculum Materials and Types of Student Autonomy Promoted

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The interaction between types of communication and socio-mathematical norms on students’ learning autonomy in five curriculum programs was investigated. Uni-directional, contributive, reflective, and instructive types of communications were present in curriculum programs studied. Investigations in Number Data and Space and Math Trailblazers provided opportunities for students to explain, justify, and compare solution strategies. Math in Focus and Scott Foresman Addison Wesley-Mathematics required explanations, justifications, and comparisons of solution strategies, but those were mainly provided by the teacher. The former and latter programs potentially foster intellectual autonomous and intellectual heteronomous learning in students, respectively, while Everyday Mathematics almost equally supports both. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583989.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Exploring the Tagalog-English Code-Switching Types Used for Mathematics Classroom Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study aimed to examine the types of Tagalog-English code-switching used in mathematics classroom discourse. Four purposively selected tertiary level math teachers in a college situated in a rural area in the Philippines were part of the study. Using a qualitative approach, data were gathered through non-participant class observations and interviews with selected math teachers and students. Syntactic analysis of code-switching types was done to categorize the Tagalog-English utterances. The findings showed that Tagalog-English intrasentential code-switching, which accounts for 58% of the code-switched utterances, was the most dominant type present in math teachers’ spoken discourse, and this was evident when math teachers had to explain math concepts and solutions, or provide examples, among others. Intersentential code-switching made up 38% of code-switched utterances, while tag switching was used… Continue Reading