Eric.ed.gov – Myths of Early Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Myths about early education abound. Many beliefs people hold about early math have a grain of truth in them, but as a whole are not true–they are largely myths. But the myths persist, and many harm children. In this article, we address ubiquitous math myths that may be negatively affecting many young students. We conclude that avoiding the myths and listening to the findings of research and the wisdom of expert practice will serve both teachers and children well. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Unpacking the Clinical and Participatory Dimensions of the Trump Math-Teacher-Residency-Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The research presents a Residency Math teacher education program that has been developed in Israel in search of transforming initial teacher preparation on the Clinical-Participatory continuum. It is a “multi-phase” mixed-method research aiming to present the clinical and participatory dimensions of the TMR: the way in which they are reflected in the curriculum planning program, how Student Teachers (STs) in the program perceive the program’s clinical and participatory dimensions and the nature of the challenges that arise in the program. Tools include: Documents of the programs; observations of the practical school experiences; A closed clinical social-interactive Questionnaire and a semi-structured clinical participatory (CP) questionnaire. The findings reflect clinical-participatory concept in teacher education, both in the curricular and the socio-interactive aspects. The analysis of the clinical-participatory dimensions, including… Continue Reading