Eric.ed.gov – Evaluating the Promise of the “FUSION” Tier 2 Math Intervention

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The low level of mathematics performance of U.S. students in relation to national standards and in international comparisons has concerned educators and policy makers for many years. The authors’ primary goals were to design a feasible and usable intervention and gather data on the promise of the intervention to foster students’ conceptual understanding of whole number concepts and skills and procedural fluency. The FUSION curriculum was developed using an iterative design process aligned with design experiment methodology. The pilot study took place in nine schools in two suburban school districts in the northwest. The FUSION program is a Grade 1 (Tier 2) mathematics intervention that focuses specifically on building students’ early knowledge of whole number concepts. Results indicate that understanding student outcomes, program implementation fidelity, and interventionists’… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Potential of Using iPad as a Supplement to Teach Math to Students with Learning Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This qualitative study was conducted to identify the potential of using iPad as a supplement to teach math to students with learning disabilities. Ten teacher candidates from a university in the south provided one-on-one math tutoring services to ten students in a self-contained classroom at a local high poverty elementary school. The students were tutored math for five weeks using ten free math apps in addition to the traditional teaching methods. The apps were selected as they deemed fit with the math content standards, and abilities of the students. Each week, teacher candidates reflected on their tutoring experiences and at the end of five weeks, they completed an open-ended survey regarding their use of iPads as a supplement to teach math to the students. Findings confirmed the… Continue Reading