Eric.ed.gov – Implementation of Unified English Braille by Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments in the United States

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Introduction: This study analyzed survey responses from 141 teachers of students with visual impairments who shared their experiences about the implementation of Unified English Braille (UEB). Methods: Teachers of students with visual impairments in the United States completed an online survey during spring 2016. Results: Although most respondents knew if their state had a UEB transition plan, few participated in its development. Half attended workshops to learn about word-based UEB, but few attended workshops about math-based UEB. They believed their students would be successful in transitioning to word-based UEB but were less sure about their transition to math-based UEB. Discussion: The teachers believed they were more confident in their own skills and their students’ future success with word-based UEB compared to math-based UEB. Additional clarification on the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Multiple Representations in 8th Grade Mathematics Textbook and the Extent to Which Teachers Implement Them

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study, firstly, aimed at investigating the various types of the multiple math representations and transitions among them in the 8th grade math textbook, and secondly, teachers’ use of these representations in teaching. The current study employed the content analysis approach to investigate the multiple mathematical representations and transitions among them in 8th Grade Mathematics Textbook. An observation method was used to analyses the teacher practices (n=35 observations), and record the representations and transitions. The results showed that there was an existence of symbol and verbal representations in the textbook and teachers’ implementation. Meanwhile, the other three representations (pictures and figures, models and Cutters, and life situations) and the transactions between them were at low rates in the textbook and teachers’ implementation. Link til kilde