Eric.ed.gov – Supporting School Readiness through Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) and the Texas Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Programs in HISD, 2018-2019. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet:

HIPPY targeted parents of children zoned to 100 Houston Independent School District (HISD) elementary campuses during the 2018-2019 academic year, which reflected an increase from 80 campuses the previous year. Academic performance of students whose parents participated in HIPPY was assessed using the kindergarten 2018 Logramos and Iowa assessments, the prekindergarten CIRCLE assessment, and the combined English and Spanish STAAR 3-8. HIPPY kindergarten students attained higher mean normal curve equivalent (NCE) scores on the Logramos reading and mathematics subtests compared to the district, and comparable Iowa mathematics subtest scores as the district. CIRCLE results revealed that the majority of HIPPY students met benchmark by EOY on English and Spanish mathematics subtests. However, by EOY, students’ performance fell below the district on most CIRCLE English math subtests. Students outperformed the district on most Spanish math CIRCLE EOY subtests. CIRCLE English literacy results were lower, while most Spanish literacy results were higher than the district’s. Students in previous cohorts outperformed the district on the 2019 combined reading and math STAAR 3-8, reflecting a positive impact of the program as students progressed through school. Bracken effect size analyses indicated a positive, moderate to large effect of HIPPY on school readiness in all areas measured. The Parent Involvement survey noted that families were more likely to engage in activities that supported literacy with their children from pre-test to post-test. Considering the theoretical model, HIPPY facilitates achievement and school readiness, particularly among Spanish language children. Additional efforts should be made by program staff to encourage parents to practice activities with their children at home to further boost student performance among all students, regardless of background characteristics.

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Troels Gannerup Christensen

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