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This study examined how 16 female teacher candidates in two sections of a math methods course, which implemented high leverage professional development school practices, described the aspects of richness of mathematics (i.e., linking between representations, explanations, mathematical sense-making, multiple procedures or solution methods, patterns and generalizations, and mathematical language) from the “mathematical quality of instruction” (MQI; Hill et al., 2008) when observing a clinical faculty, their peers, and their own instruction. After analyzing written reflections and reflections using the Edthena video tool, we found that the teacher candidates were mainly focused on mathematical language and explanations. They described patterns and generalizations and linking between representations least frequently. Furthermore, their descriptions of mathematical language and explanations centered around instructional practices they could implement in their own classrooms, critical reflections of their teaching, and noticing how the teachers fostered students’ use of mathematical language and rich explanations.