tandfonline.com – Meeting Cognitive Demands of Lesson Planning: Introducing the CODE-PLAN Model to Describe and Analyze Teachers’ Planning Competence

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This article proposes a new research approach to teachers’ lesson planning. While numerous guidelines have been dominating lesson planning as an object of teacher education, we utilize teacher cognition and expertise research to view lesson planning from a different perspective: We argue that lesson planning typically demands specific cognitive skills that teachers must master to create high quality instructional practice. The so-called CODE-PLAN model (cognitive demands of lesson planning) forms the general theoretical framework for our conceptualization of six demands (content transformation, task creation, adaptation to student learning dispositions, clarity of learning objectives, unit contextualization, and phasing) to empirically describe and analyze teachers’ planning competence. We investigate how these demands are met through content analysis of 337 plans… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – ‘Traveling nutrients’: how students use metaphorical language to describe digestion and nutritional uptake

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Previous research suggests that students use metaphors when asked to explain digestive processes and nutritional uptake. In this paper, we describe the results of a study designed to gain a deeper understanding of how metaphors and anthropomorphisms are used by students when describing such processes. We applied analyses based on the systemic-functional grammar framework to 123 student responses to a question about nutrition on a Swedish national test in biology in order to identify, describe and analyse how students use metaphors and to understand the linguistic structure of those metaphors. We also considered how the metaphors are linked to metaphor systems and anthropomorphisms, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of the role of metaphors in this area. The results… Continue Reading