tandfonline.com – Trends in preparing cyber-physical systems engineers

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Demand for prepared Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) engineers is growing in the Industry 4.0 economy and universities should respond accordingly. This article identifies trends in preparing the CPSs workforce of the future by reviewing educational curricula and research on CPSs of universities around the world. The research finds three main approaches being deployed: 1) Offering universal CPSs foundational training for different industrial fields; 2) becoming more focus on CPSs training at the doctoral level and for a specific industrial field; and 3) CPSs training as an embedded or introduction course in engineering curricula. The research identifies a need for ‘educational renewal’ in the era of CPSs training. Reorganizing university structures for collaboration and innovation in CPSs training and research… Continue Reading