tandfonline.com – ‘I usually never got involved’: understanding reasons for secondary students with visual impairments leaving mainstream schooling in Germany

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The study aims for identifying the driving forces that lead German children with VI to switch from mainstream schooling to special schooling. The results are intended to provide more understanding from the perspective of these students about how school settings for students with and without visual impairment can be designed with as few barriers as possible to meet these students’ specific needs. Six female and four male students, who have been schooled inclusively during their school career and then made the decision to be educated in the upper Gymnasium (grammar school) classes at a special school participated in the present study. It is apparent that all of the students had extensive experiences of exclusion in mainstream schooling. The… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Abacus: Instruction by Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Introduction: This article, based on a study of 196 teachers of students with visual impairments, reports on the experiences with and opinions related to their decisions about instructing their students who are blind or have low vision in the abacus. Methods: The participants completed an online survey on how they decide which students should be taught abacus computation skills and which skills they teach. Data were also gathered on those who reported that they did not teach computation with the abacus. Results: The participants resided in the United States and Canada and had various numbers of years of teaching experience. More than two-thirds of those who reported that they taught abacus computation skills indicated that they began instruction when their students were between preschool and the second… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Implementation of Unified English Braille by Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments in the United States

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Introduction: This study analyzed survey responses from 141 teachers of students with visual impairments who shared their experiences about the implementation of Unified English Braille (UEB). Methods: Teachers of students with visual impairments in the United States completed an online survey during spring 2016. Results: Although most respondents knew if their state had a UEB transition plan, few participated in its development. Half attended workshops to learn about word-based UEB, but few attended workshops about math-based UEB. They believed their students would be successful in transitioning to word-based UEB but were less sure about their transition to math-based UEB. Discussion: The teachers believed they were more confident in their own skills and their students’ future success with word-based UEB compared to math-based UEB. Additional clarification on the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Development of a Math-Learning App for Students with Visual Impairments

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The project was conducted to make an online tutoring program for math word problem solving accessible to students with visual impairments (VI). An online survey of teachers of students with VI (TVIs) guided the decision to provide the math content in the form of an iPad app, accompanied by print and braille materials. The app includes audio descriptions of images that illustrate the math problems, an integrated Scratch Pad, options to adjust color and contrast, hints, and videos showing how to solve sample problems. In order to provide access to those needing screen reading technology or screen enlargement, the app utilizes the Apple built-in accessibility features of VoiceOver and Zoom. A study with 19 TVIs and 29 students with VI was conducted to obtain feedback about the… Continue Reading