tandfonline.com – Giftedness in Arabic environments: Concepts, implicit theories, and the contributed factors in the enrichment programs
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The study aimed at identifying specific giftedness patterns that teachers discriminate against, and for, when nominating gifted students and focused on the identification of implicit theories adopted by teachers on the topics of intelligence, giftedness, and creativity in light of their specialization and experience. The study examined the differences between the effect of summer enrichment programs and school enrichment programs on students’ performance. Profiles for types of gifted students were created, and implicit theory scales and performance assessment scales were implemented. The results showed that regardless of teachers’ specialization and experience, they tended to increasingly nominate students who are intellectually, creatively, and academically gifted. On the other hand, they are strongly biased against students who were gifted in… Continue Reading