Eric.ed.gov – Peace Corps Nepal 1988 Preservice Technical Training Manual for Math and Science Teacher Trainers N/166a.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Peace Corps (PC) has provided teachers for Nepal’s schools for 25 years. The increasing population and especially the increased demand for educational opportunities is exceeding the supply of available trained teachers. In response to this need, PC/Nepal has shifted its emphasis in the education sector from providing teachers to providing teacher trainers. The purpose of this task analysis is to define this new PC role and to provide systematic information for preservice and inservice training activities. This document contains four sections: (1) task analysis; (2) job description; (3) technical training sessions; and (4) technical readings. The task analysis was developed through interviews and review of program materials and documentation. The other sections were developed based upon the task analysis. The job description, technical training sessions, and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Looking for peace in the Swedish National Curricula

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study analyses, in the light of peace educational theory, the presence and absence of peace elements in the Swedish national curriculum for compulsory schooling. Using the theoretical framework developed within the international Peace Education Curricular Analysis Project, content analysis and mixed methods we identify how the Swedish curriculum underscore and lack the peace elements of recognizing violence, non-violent conflict transformation and positive peace. Our analysis shows that the Swedish curriculum supports teaching and learning which may help pupils to identify violence in society and internationally, lack many aspects of non-violent conflict transformation (especially conflict resolution) and emphasize positive peace in numerous but limited ways. We find that many dimensions of peace are underscored in the syllabus of… Continue Reading