tandfonline.com – The typewriter mind: modernism, populism and anti-humanism

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Recent commentaries on the resurgence of populist nationalism have referred back to the early twentieth century. Such analogies are criticised by scholarly historians, but in a frame of post-humanist theory, the very method of comparison recalls early modernist treatments of political and historical language as essentially metaphoric and fictive. The essay focuses on T.E. Hulme’s writing, drawing attention to three challenges to humanism described in his work. Firstly, it examines his critique of excessive scientific confidence that led to a ‘nightmare of determinism’. Secondly, it shows how Hulme was both fascinated and disturbed by forms of vitalism that gave individuals agency but seemingly also a vulnerability to manipulation. Thirdly, Hulme advocates a form of a politics subordinated to… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Neoliberal developmentalism, authoritarian populism, and extractivism in the countryside: the Soma mining disaster in Turkey

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT While state-society relations in Turkey have historically been top-down and coups d’état periodically interrupted democratic politics, the recent authoritarian turn under Erdoğan is remarkable. Two dynamics are especially salient. First, Erdoğan and his AKP have been particularly effective in deepening the neoliberalisation of economy and society. Their policies have created a new form of neoliberal developmentalism, where solutions to all social ills have come to be seen as possible through rapid economic growth. Second, they have intensified the transformation of the countryside, where new forms of dispossession and deagrarianisation open the way to an unprecedented extractivist drive. Together, neoliberal developmentalism and extractivism have resulted in growing social dissent. The eruption of anger after the Soma coal mining disaster… Continue Reading