tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Vertebrate species knowledge, a key factor for conserving biodiversity, is a compulsory part of school curricula. This study evaluated the vertebrate species knowledge of sixth-grade German grammar school pupils (aged 11–13) to investigate the influence of socio-demographic factors (gender, size of hometown, mother tongue), personal expectations (favourite school subject, performance in biology, expected test results) and possibilities to do nature observations (favourite playing area, number of excursions to nature) on identification skills. In addition, the study examined whether schoolchildren’s taxonomic knowledge changed over the years. In a species identification test, participants (N = 984) scored an average of 14.18 ± 3.82 out of 25 points. The results showed that their species knowledge was significantly influenced by their personal expectations on test performance,… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article is based on a qualitative case study of teachers’ conceptions of improvisation in teaching. Empirical data are master student teachers’ texts (transcripts, reflections) based on observations and interviews of practising teachers. The texts were analysed in an abductive process. We can identify four specific characteristics of how improvisation in teaching is conceived; improvisation of design, improvisation in communication, and improvisation dependent on repertoire and context. However, teachers experience severe challenges in their improvisational practices, e.g. with regard to their knowledge base, the accountability agenda and teacher autonomy. Therefore, we argue that improvisation should be part of teacher education. Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Discussions with math teachers, of various grade levels, brought out one consistent observation. Each year, students need to be retaught math concepts that they have been previously taught but have forgotten. With the ever-expanding curriculum of material that teachers need to cover over the course of a school year continually growing, it becomes plausible that not enough time is spent on material for it to be internalized and truly learned, for the long term. The amount of material to be covered will not likely decrease, so what can be done to help the instruction that does take place be more effective? What can be done to help students retain information and be able to recall and use it when needed? My Action Research project evolved to answer… Continue Reading →
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