tandfonline.com – Training Teachers to Implement Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching during Small-group Instruction: A Pilot Study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Training Teachers to Implement Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching during Small-group Instruction: A Pilot Study Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Co-Constructing “Quiet” through Peer Interactions: Understanding “Quiet” Participation in a Small-Group Math Task

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: To disrupt patterns of marginalization that play out through interactions in math classrooms, teachers need to identify and address inequities in student participation, both in terms of participation outcomes and processes. In this study, I take an expansive view of participation and examine how the “quiet” participation of one 9th grade student is co-constructed through small-group interactions during an Algebra task. Analysis reveals three features of the group’s interactions that fostered the co-construction of Becca’s “quiet” participation: 1. Becca was positioned as a non-contributing silent beneficiary of learning, 2. Becca’s contributions received less support than her peers’, 3. Disagreement with Becca was softer than with John. Findings suggest that the perceived issue of low verbal production did not reside within Becca, but rather was the result of… Continue Reading