tandfonline.com – A ‘doctoral compass’: strategic reflection, self-assessment and recalibration for navigating the ‘twin’ doctoral journey

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This conceptual paper contributes to a broader perspective on doctoral experience via a synthesis of several crucial concepts during the doctoral journey. The first part discusses the core challenges customarily confronting doctoral scholars due to the distinct PhD genre leading to introducing the main conceptual base. Metacognition, being central to doctoral knowledge creation, is explored through the stages of competence development and against the competing notions often faced by PhD scholars: the Imposter Syndrome and the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Drawing upon these metacognitive concepts, the implications of crossing competence stages during lengthy, non-linear doctoral trajectories in a high-performance academic culture are further explored. While recognising associated challenges, this paper also highlights a range of available tools, resources, and skillsets… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Twin Data that Made a Big Difference, and that Deserve to be Better-Known and Used in Teaching

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Because of their efficiency and ability to keep many other factors constant, twin studies have a special appeal for investigators. Just as with any teaching dataset, a “matched-sets” dataset used to illustrate a statistical model should be compelling, still relevant, and valid. Indeed, such a “model dataset” should meet the same tests for worthiness that news organization editors impose on their journalists: are the data new? Are they true? Do they matter? This article introduces and shares a twin dataset that meets, to a large extent, these criteria. In fact, while more than two decades old, the data are still widely cited today in ongoing related research. This dataset was the basis of a clever study that confirmed… Continue Reading