tandfonline.com – Relating Math Words, Visual Images, and Math Symbols for Understanding and Competence

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper briefly overviews my research in supporting children to learn number concepts by relating number words, research-based visual supports, and math symbols. I first outline my approach to helping children build relationships between the use of concrete materials and the building of abstract concepts. I then focus on two crucial early aspects of building meanings for numbers: (1) understanding break-apart partners such as 5=3+2 that support addition and subtraction with small numbers and children’s moving on to Level 2 counting on and algebraic problem representations, and (2) the use of visual five-groups in understanding numbers 1–1000 and in drawings to support multi-digit computations. The research-based learning path of visual-spatio supports is shown and discussed for each topic,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Teachers’ and children’s use of words during early childhood STEM teaching supported by robotics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With science and digitalisation emphasised further in the new Swedish preschool curriculum, there is a need to clarify teachers’ role in educating children in and about these areas. With research pointing out the importance of a conscious language use in STEM teaching, we here focus on words used by teachers and children during inquiry-based STEM activities in five different preschools. Bers’ powerful ideas about early childhood computational thinking (Bers 2018. Coding as a Playground. New York: Routledge.) were used for analysis and results highlight how digital programming and use of robots can promote a more versatile use of robotic words, compared to analogue, ‘unplugged’, programming without robots. Furthermore, it is also found that use of precise decontextualised language… Continue Reading