Eric.ed.gov – Promising Practice of Technology Integration in Math and Science Instruction: A Case of California Charter High School

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study was conducted to examine the promising practice of using technology in teaching math and science in a charter high school in California. The research employed an in-depth qualitative case study method. The main participants were principals, lead teachers, teachers, and support staff. Interviews, observations, and archival documents were the main data collection tools. The study found that the practice of using technology in teaching by the school, Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART), has lead to positive educational outcomes. These include increased student achievement in standardized test scores, increased motivation, growth in mean GPA, less behavior problems from students, and improved school attendance by students. Implications for policy and practice were discussed. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – After-School Math. NCEE Evaluation Brief 2009-4057

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: After-school programs receive federal support through the 21st Century Community Learning Centers. A primary purpose of the program is to provide opportunities for academic enrichment to help students meet state and local standards in core content areas. This brief presents findings for the first of two years of program operations (school year 2005-06) on a study for math. Harcourt School Publishers was selected through a competitive process to adapt its school-day materials for use in the after-school setting. “Mathletics” was developed to be engaging for students, tied to academic standards, appropriate for students from diverse economic and social backgrounds, and fairly easy for teachers to use with a small amount of preparation time. The program resulted in 49 more hours of math instruction during the school year… Continue Reading