Eric.ed.gov – Recapturing the Lead in Math and Science. Focus 14.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document examines various topics and issues related to the quality of science and mathematics education in the United States. They include: (1) competition from Japan and the Soviet Union; (2) federal programs and legislation designed to improve the quality of science and mathematics education; (3) scientific literacy; (4) the basics in mathematics education, outlining those recommended in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics report, “An Agenda for Action” and discussing the importance of problem-solving skills and real-world mathematical applications; (5) science and pseudoscience, examining the scientific method and the Creationist threat; (6) National Assessment of Educational Progress science and mathematics achievement data; (7) exemplary mathematics programs and the criteria for excellence in these programs (including the development of thinking skills); (8) exemplary science programs; (9)… Continue Reading