Eric.ed.gov – It Does Matter How We Teach Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper describes application of innovative practice and procedures in relationship to recognized principles and theory of adult education used in college math instruction. Adult learning principles provide the theoretical constructs and foundation of the practice supporting a learner-centered approach to learning. The purpose was to explore the needs of learners and the learning contexts that would help them achieve higher dimensions of critical thinking and cognitive development. Based on Knowles’ six assumptions of andragogy, curriculum was designed to provide college math students meaningful learning experiences, critical thinking skills, and application within the context of the classroom. Creativity and hands-on learning proved to be beneficial not only to tactile and kinesthetic learners but to others in the classrooms as well. Additionally, math anxiety is addressed and how… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Rural School Math and Science Teachers’ Technology Integration Familiarization

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study explored the significance of technology integration familiarization and the subsequent PD provided to rural middle school teachers with several opportunities to gain technological skills for technology use in rural middle school math and science classrooms. In order to explore the use of technology in rural schools, this study surveyed 63 rural middle school math and science teachers on technology use and PD offered for classroom integration. This study provided perceptions on the effect of personal and previous technology training for rural school teachers towards technology. The results show that there was need for PD to familiarize rural teachers with newer and essential instructional technologies and to gain technological skills experience in instructional technology integration. The results also show that teachers want to use technology to… Continue Reading