Eric.ed.gov – Parents and Teachers: Education in Concert.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Involving parents in young children’s literacy development is a challenge being met by many school districts. Several programs and strategies are being used at various levels to enhance literacy development and to address literacy needs of parents. Suggestions for preschool children include playing classical music, participating in meaningful learning experiences, and reading aloud. In addition, Even Start and Mothers Understanding Methods of Schooling are effective family-based literacy programs. Strategies for use with elementary school students and their parents include: morning meetings for parents at school to share information and present cooperative ventures; home visitor teams to bring parents into school; Reading (or Math) Family Nights; Family Technology Resource Centers offering child care and computer and literacy training; and the hiring of parents as ombudsmen. Strategies tried at… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Incarcerated Fathers’ Experiences in the Read to Your Child/Grandchild Program: Supporting Children’s Literacy, Learning, and Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In response to rising parental incarceration, some correctional facilities and outside organizations offer family literacy programs for parents in prison. However, research on these correctional education initiatives is scant. This paper uses qualitative data to analyze how 11 fathers in a rural Pennsylvania prison were involved in their children’s literacy, learning, and education before and during incarceration and through the Read to Your Child/Grandchild (RYCG) program. Before RYCG, most fathers had taken steps such as reading to children, teaching reading and math, attending parent-teacher conferences, helping with homework, and singing and rhyming–and then sought to continue supporting their children’s learning from within prison. Fathers used RYCG materials (video-recorded book reading, children’s book, scrapbook) to emphasize the importance of education, literacies, and numeracy. They also created personalized scrapbooks… Continue Reading