Eric.ed.gov – Public Education: Fingertip Facts 2005

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper offers facts and figures on Utah’s state of education for 2005. This paper contains the following: (1) Education Contacts; (2) Utah State Board of Education members; (3) Value of Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU) for the 2004-05 school year; (4) Per Pupil Spending in Perspective (2002); (5) Public School Enrollment per district (October 2004-05); (6) Student Proficiency in Core CRT Language Arts Testing 2004; (7) Student Proficiency in Core CRT Math Testing 2004; (8) Public Education Budget–Funding by Source and Expenditures by Function; (9) Public School Enrollment Demographics 2004-05; (10) Public Schools by Grade Level 2004-05; (11) Number of Licensed Educators 2003-04; (12) Average Teacher Salary; and (13) Pupil Teacher Ratio. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – New Mexico Higher Education Department Annual Report, 2015

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The New Mexico Higher Education Department (HED) and higher education institutions (HEIs) have set long-term statewide goals to increase 4-year graduation rates, improve transfer and articulation, and improve remedial education outcomes. HED is pursuing these goals through the following initiatives: (1) Statewide common course numbering and alignment of lower division coursework; (2) Developing meta-majors and transfer modules; (3) Reforming the general education core curriculum; (4) Co-requisite remediation and Math pathways; (5) Decreasing the number of hours required for both associate’s and bachelor’s degrees; (6) Incentivizing 4-year graduation; and (7) Implementation of outcomes based funding. This annual report outlines each of the initiatives. Accomplishing these timely and aggressive goals requires remarkable collaboration among all the HEIs and between the HEIs and the HED. With the Governor’s leadership, the… Continue Reading