Eric.ed.gov – Lesson Plans To Teach Self-Determination across the Curriculum Developed by Spring 2000 Special Education Teacher Education Interns.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This collection of lesson plans is designed to help students with disabilities meet Arizona academic standards and learn different types of self-determination skills. Lesson plans are provided for students in grades K-12 with different disabilities and address: (1) oral language, including identifying homonyms; (2) reading acquisition, including teaching reading using the Fernald (VAKT) Method, making words, and fluency; (3) reading comprehension; (4) study skills, including improving test taking skills, managing daily activities, and organizing notebooks; (5) social skills, including social behavior skill development, peer relationships, and giving and receiving compliments; (6) math computation; (7) math problem solving, including balancing checkbooks; (8) written expression, including self-expression, proofreading, and writing conventions; and (9) technology, including using the Internet and team teaching with computers. For each lesson, a targeted academic… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math on the Job. Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This teacher’s guide explains the content and scope of a 30-booklet series of instructional booklets that provide various special needs students with the opportunity to explore a career and practice math skills simultaneously. The introductory section explains the way in which the series, entitled Math on the Job, will benefit high school students with the following disabilities: mental retardation, learning disabilities, and serious emotional disturbances. The second and third sections outline the scope of the series and provide guidelines for its use. Next, a math competency matrix is presented and explained. A list of suggested enrichment activities concludes the guide. (MN) Link til kilde