Eric.ed.gov – The State of Basic Math at T-VI: A Report from the Faculty.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As part of an effort to improve basic math instruction at Vocational-Technical Institute (T-VI) in New Mexico, a survey was conducted asking teachers, tutors, and instructional technicians to assess the importance of and student performance on 35 basic math competencies. Survey responses were then related to two national standards of mathematical literacy: the vocational standards of the Secretary of Labor’s Commission on Achieving the Necessary Skills (SCANS) and the academic standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Study highlights included the following: (1) several skills seen as important by SCANS and NCTM were viewed as unimportant by teachers of math and math-related subjects, including “working together in groups to solve problems,””using calculators,””ability to estimate,””ability to use measuring tools and systems,” and “ability to use… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Experts’ Opinions on National Math Standards for Students with Disabilities. Technical Report 3.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Eleven experts in mathematics education, special education, and assessment completed an open-ended survey on current math instruction in relation to the “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards” of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the perceived appropriateness and feasibility of the standards for students with disabilities. In general, the experts agreed that adoption of the Standards has been minimal and that math education in practice continues to emphasize basic skills. Two opposing viewpoints were evident in the experts’ responses. One viewpoint was that the Standards did not recognize the importance of individual differences and were not better than current practice in math education. The opposing viewpoint was that the Standards reflected a vision of what mathematics should be and that minimal, nonsubstantial modifications were needed for students… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Experts’ Opinions about the Appropriateness and Feasibility of National Math Standards. Technical Report 4.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The appropriateness and feasibility of the “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards” published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics were examined with respect to the mathematics education of students with disabilities. Eleven experts from the areas of mathematics education, special education, and assessment were surveyed using a five-point forced rating scale. To investigate the response patterns among the experts, their responses were clustered using a hierarchical agglomerative technique. Most of the experts reached consensus that the Standards should be addressed through curriculum and evaluation in elementary level math education. All respondents perceived that the basic skills were adequately and feasibly addressed in the elementary curriculum. Some experts who believed in the visions provided by the Standards also approved the feasibility of the Standards in evaluation. In contrast,… Continue Reading