Eric.ed.gov – Associations between the Qualifications of Middle School Algebra I Teachers and Student Math Achievement. REL 2020-005

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Historically, students took Algebra I in high school, but there has been a recent trend toward taking it in middle school (Domina, 2014). In the past two decades the proportion of middle school students taking Algebra I or more-advanced math courses has doubled (Domina, 2014). Success in Algebra I is important because it is a gateway course for advanced math (Star et al., 2015). Students who take and pass Algebra I are more likely to take and pass more-advanced math courses in high school (Snipes & Finkelstein, 2015). This trend has created a need for middle school teachers with more-advanced knowledge of math content, because prior research has suggested that teachers’ knowledge of math content plays an important role in student achievement (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008).… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Limited Certificated Teachers in Washington: Barriers to Becoming Fully Certificated and Needed Supports. Study Snapshot. REL 2020-013

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Washington state faces a growing teacher shortage, especially in bilingual education, math, science, English language development, and special education. And its teacher workforce is much less diverse than the student population. To reduce these challenges, state education leaders want to encourage limited certificated teachers to become fully certificated. This study examines limited certificated teachers’ interest in becoming fully certificated, the barriers they face to doing so, and the supports they report needing in order to pursue full certification. The study is based on responses to an online survey administered in 2017 by the State of Washington Professional Educator Standards Board to the state’s 1,834 limited certificated teachers. [For the full report, see ED600822; for the appendixes, see ED600823; and for the study brief, see ED600824.] Link til… Continue Reading