Eric.ed.gov – Preliminary Evidence on Measurement Characteristics for the Foundational Assessment of Competencies for Teaching Performance Tasks. Research Report. ETS RR-20-27

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this report we provide preliminary evidence on the measurement characteristics for a new type of teaching performance assessment designed to be combined with complementary assessments of teacher content knowledge. The resulting test, which we refer to as the Foundational Assessment of Competencies for Teaching (FACT), is designed for use as part of initial teacher licensure. Twenty elementary FACT performance tasks (10 for mathematics [MATH] and 10 for reading language arts [RLA]) were developed and then administered to 59 teacher candidates. The results from the pilot indicate that the performance tasks function as designed with candidates completing the tasks on average in approximately 3.5 min. Human raters were able to score the tasks quickly and accurately. All score points were well represented for all the scored tasks.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Development of an Attitude Scale of Mathematics and Science Teachers towards Mistake and Instant Feedback to the Mistake: A Validity and Reliability Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of the research is to develop a valid and reliable attitude scale that can measure the attitudes of math and science teachers (315) and teacher candidates (105) towards mistakes and instant feedback. In the validity studies, the exploratory factor analysis was made with the SPS1S 8.0 package program after that the confirmatory factor analysis was made with Lisrel 8.8 software. To develop the scale; 1. Creation of Item Pool, 2. Obtaining Expert Opinion, 3. Creation of Pre-Trial Form, 4. Factor Analysis is made. According to factor analysis; Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) rate; 0.808; Bartlett test result: 2148,354; Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient for the whole scale: 0.829. According to confirmatory factor analysis: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) 0.022 (<0.05); p-Value for Test of Close… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Use of Authentic Assessment to Report Accountability Data on Young Children’s Language, Literacy and Pre-Math Competency

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This validity study examined the validity of Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System, 2nd Edition (AEPS®), a curriculum-based, authentic assessment for infants and young children. The primary purposes were to: a) examine whether the AEPS® is a concurrently valid tool for measuring young children’s language, literacy and pre-math skills for accountability purpose and b) explore teachers’ perceptions on using authentic assessment and standardized tests. This was accomplished through implementing both quantitative and qualitative methods. Findings from the study indicated (a) the AEPS® is a concurrently valid (b) there were both advantages and disadvantages of using authentic assessment such as the AEPS® and using standardized tests based on teachers’ perceptions, however, the practical issues of using the authentic measure can be addressed by providing in-depth trainings to teachers and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Predicting Math Outcomes from a Reading Screening Assessment in Grades 3-8. REL 2016-180

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: District and state education leaders frequently use screening assessments to identify students who are at risk of performing poorly on end-of-year achievement tests. This study examines the use of a universal screening assessment of reading skills for early identification of students at risk of low achievement on nationally normed tests of reading and math and provides support for the interpretation of screening scores to inform instruction. Several members of the Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast Improving Literacy Alliance already use a reading screening assessment–the Florida Center for Reading Research Reading Assessment (FRA)–for all students in grades 3-8 to identify students who may be at risk of poor end-of-year reading outcomes. To gain more information to drive instruction without students having to spend more time taking tests, these alliance… Continue Reading