Eric.ed.gov – Adapting Reading and Math Materials for the Inclusive Classroom. Volume 2: Kindergarten through Grade Five. ERIC/OSEP Mini-Library.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet:

This book offers guidelines for elementary school teachers for making adaptations in reading and mathematics instruction for students with mild disabilities in the general education classroom. Following an introductory chapter, Chapter 1 presents eight principles for materials adaption organized according to the acronym FLEXIBLE: F-feasible (adaptations must be feasible in the classroom), L-lively (adaptations must be lively and fun), E-eliminated (adaptations must have the goal of being eventually faded out), X-explicit (adaptations must have a definite explicit purpose), I-intentional (adaptions should be part of a comprehension individualized plan), B-beneficial (adaptations should benefit the student with disabilities without detracting from the learning of other students), L-limelight (adaptations do not place undue attention on the student with disabilities), and E-evaluated (adaptations should be evaluated on an ongoing basis). Chapter 2 applies these principles to suggestions for adapting reading and mathematics materials, which are grouped into four categories: (1) providing direct assistance, (2) structuring lessons to promote learning from materials, (3) simplifying or supplementing existing materials, and (4) teaching strategies for using materials. (Contains approximately 50 references.) (DB)

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Troels Gannerup Christensen

Jeg er ansat som lektor hos Læreruddannelsen i Jelling, hvor jeg underviser i matematik, specialiseringsmodulet teknologiforståelse, praktik m.m. Jeg har tidligere været ansat som pædagogisk konsulent i matematik og tysk hos UCL ved Center for Undervisningsmidler (CFU) i Vejle og lærer i udskolingen (7.-9. klasse) på Lyshøjskolen i Kolding. Jeg er ejer af og driver bl.a. hjemmesiderne www.lærklokken.dk og www.iundervisning.dk, ggbkursus.dk og er tidligere fagredaktør på matematik på emu.dk. Jeg går ind for, at læring skal være let tilgængelig og i størst mulig omfang gratis at benytte.

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