har udgivet:
This evaluation report summarizes Year 4 of the Math and Science Academy (MSA), an initiative of the Northern New Mexico Council on Excellence in Education (NNMCEE). The report begins with an overview of the project and its objectives, and then outlines the research questions and methods used to carry out the evaluation. Findings from the Year 4 evaluation are presented next; the report concludes with recommendations and refinements for future years of MSA. Years 1, 2, and 3 of the UCLA/CRESST evaluation of the MSA project were designed to describe how the program was implemented, to assess program effects and to generate recommendations for the improvement and enhancement of the project. Year 4 of the MSA evaluation paralleled the same research questions as Years 1 – 3 of the project, and was expanded to include a number of different features designed to further strengthen the project and gauge project impact as MSA expanded to elementary schools. The following research issues were examined: (1) How did the MSA program evolve? (2) What was the effect of MSA on teaching and learning? (3) How can the program be refined and sustained? (4) How can the program to be refined to better support and enhance teacher professional development, administrative leadership, and student learning and achievement? (Contains 17 tables.)