Eric.ed.gov – Winona State University Graduate Education Learning Community, Rochester, Minnesota 2005-2006 Anthology of K-12 Action Research Papers. [Volume 5]

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: These papers are partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Education at Winona State University in Winona, Minnesota. The cohort included a variety of licensure areas that represent most levels and content areas of K-12 education. The students were encouraged to keep their questions and hypothesis directed at specific issues in their teaching environment. The papers follow American Psychological Association (APA) format. Papers in this volume include: (1) Will Listening to Different Genres of Music in the Learning Environment Decrease the Levels of Stress for Students? (Chris Otterness); (2) Will Maintaining a Vocabulary List in Social Studies Improve Writing Levels of High School Seniors? (John Pittenger); (3) Will a Support Math Class for a Semester Help Low-Ability Eighth Grade Students Raise Their… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Winona State University Graduate Education Learning Community Rochester, Minnesota 2005-2006. Anthology of K-12 Action Research Papers. [Volume 1]

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: These papers are partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Education at Winona State University in Winona, Minnesota. The cohort included a variety of licensure areas that represent most levels and content areas of K-12 education. The students were encouraged to keep their questions and hypothesis directed at specific issues in their teaching environment. The papers follow American Psychological Association (APA) format. Papers in this document include: (1) Increasing Students Visual Aesthetics through the Critical Analysis of Western Masterpiece Artworks (Colin Atkinson); (2) Will Ability Grouping the Seventh Grade Students in Math Positively Impact Their BST Scores When They Take The Test in Eighth Grade? (C. J. Boerger); (3) Will Assigning Math Bags in High School Mathematics Classes Increase the Amount of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group = Actes de la Rencontre Annuelle 2009 du Groupe Canadien d’Etude en Didactique des Mathematiques (33rd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 5-9, 2009)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This submission contains the Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG), held at York University in Toronto, Ontario. The CMESG is a group of mathematicians and mathematics educators who meet annually to discuss mathematics education issues at all levels of learning. The aims of the Study Group are: to advance education by organizing and coordinating national conferences and seminars to study and improve the theories of the study of mathematics or any other aspects of mathematics education in Canada at all levels; and to undertake research in mathematics education and to disseminate the results of this research. These proceedings include plenary lectures, working group reports, topic session descriptions, new PhD reports, and summaries of ad hoc sessions. Papers include: (1)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Dimensions of Math Avoidance among American Indian Elementary School Students. Final Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Using a cross-cultural perspective, researchers studied the “math avoidance syndrome,” which has reached crisis proportions among American Indians, at two elementary schools on Utah’s Northern Ute Reservation and Wisconsin’s Oneida Indian Reservation in 1980. Researchers gathered data by observing math instruction at the schools and by interviewing parents, teachers, tribal officials, and a group of students from third and fourth grade classrooms. They also discussed with tribal elders each tribe’s style of computation and problem solving. Results showed that, contrary to widely held beliefs, neither degree of traditionality nor sex of student served as an accurate predictor of student math attainment or interest in math. Perceived conflicts between school and home regarding function and purpose of education, social organization of math lessons, incompatibility of classroom management styles,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Preliminary Case Study of SCALE Activities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: Factors Influencing Change Initiatives in STEM Undergraduate Education, Teacher Training, and Partnerships with K-12 Districts. WCER Working Paper No. 2007-2

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report on the SCALE Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) Case Studies line of work provides preliminary findings about SCALE activities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison). This study focuses on the structural and behavioral dynamics influencing the implementation of the four core SCALE strategies for effecting change in IHEs: (1) reform undergraduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses; (2) promote collaboration between STEM and education departments regarding pre-service teacher education; (3) promote collaboration between IHEs and K-12 districts regarding in-service professional development; and (4) improve institutional policies and practices at the IHE level that support faculty engaged in pre- and in-service activities. Preliminary findings indicate that SCALE is making progress in each of these areas. Through the Math Masters and Immersion Unit professional development programs… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Broadening Perspectives on Mathematics Thinking and Learning. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (35th, Chicago, Illinois, November 14-17, 2013)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: These Proceedings are a written record of the research presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA 2013) held in Chicago, Illinois, November 14-17, 2013. The theme of the conference is Broadening Perspectives on Mathematics Thinking and Learning. The Proceedings include papers from 1 plenary talk, 2 panel presentations, 68 research reports, 121 brief research reports, 208 posters, and 14 working groups. Chapters include:(1) Plenary Papers; (2) Curriculum and Related Factors; (3) Early Algebra, Algebra, and Number Concepts; (4) Geometry and Measurement; (5) Math Processes; (6) Statistics and Probability; (7) Student Learning and Related Factors; (8) Teacher Education and Knowledge; (9) Teaching and Classroom Practice; (10) Technology; (11) Theory and Research Methods; and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Quality Partnership Novice Teacher Studies Technical Report NTS 10-01 Research Brief 2007-2009

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this technical report is to summarize the research methodology of the Novice Teacher Study (NTS) strand of the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) research. The Ohio TQP has embarked on a series of research studies to learn more about the characteristics of effective teachers and to identify the patterns of teacher performance in both novice and experienced teachers that commingle to enhance student achievement at different grade levels, in different subjects, and with different types of students. The report is divided into three sections: a brief description of TQP methodology and data sources; a detailed discussion of findings, and conclusions and directions for future research. In preparing this technical report, we drew from artifacts documenting the research processes; from regional and national presentations; and from… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math and Science Academy: Year 4 Evaluation Report. CSE Technical Report 648

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This evaluation report summarizes Year 4 of the Math and Science Academy (MSA), an initiative of the Northern New Mexico Council on Excellence in Education (NNMCEE). The report begins with an overview of the project and its objectives, and then outlines the research questions and methods used to carry out the evaluation. Findings from the Year 4 evaluation are presented next; the report concludes with recommendations and refinements for future years of MSA. Years 1, 2, and 3 of the UCLA/CRESST evaluation of the MSA project were designed to describe how the program was implemented, to assess program effects and to generate recommendations for the improvement and enhancement of the project. Year 4 of the MSA evaluation paralleled the same research questions as Years 1 – 3… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – National Center for Education Research Publication Handbook: Publications from Funded Education Research Grants, FY 2002 to FY 2013

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since its inception in 2002, the National Center for Education Research (NCER) in the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has funded over 700 education research grants and over 60 education training grants. The research grants have supported exploratory research to build theory or generate hypotheses on factors that may affect educational outcomes, development and innovation research to create or refine academic interventions, evaluation studies to test the efficacy and effectiveness of interventions, and measurement work to help develop more accurate and valid assessments, and the training grants have helped prepare the next generation of education researchers. NCER’s education research grantees have focused on the needs of a wide range of students, from pre-kindergarten through postsecondary and adult education, and have tackled a variety of topic areas. The… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Modeling in Educational Research: An Approach to Methodological Fallacies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math modeling is currently at the focus of educational methodologists’ attention. However, little is known about the extent to which principles of the math modeling lead to methodological fallacies in educational research. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the nature and principles of math modeling and to examine its application in educational research according to transcendental realism theory. The conclusion of the article suggests some methodological fallacies in educational research. Finally, the implications of the fallacies in educational research are considered. Link til kilde