har udgivet:
This presentation describes the problem of teacher shortages in mathematics and science, providing a brief overview and some background for subsequent discussions of possible activities, solutions, and strategies. Five views that shape the problem definition are first given: (1) individual teachers do make a difference; (2) to be effective, teachers must be masters of what they teach, and must find their subjects intensely intriguing; (3) solving the teacher shortage should be focused at all levels; (4) the problem is one of both quantity and quality; and (5) this is not a new problem. Then two reasons for the teacher shortages are discussed: the severe reduction in the number of newly trained persons entering teaching, and the large exodus of those in teaching. The decline in quality and the decreasing ability of the profession to attract academically able individuals are then explored in terms of social, demographic, and economic factors. What we know of the typical teacher is reviewed in terms of lower teacher-pupil ratios, better education, lowered regard for teaching, and experience. Finally, reasons for the concern about mathematics and science education are discussed. (MNS)