Eric.ed.gov – A Study of Three Approaches for Teaching Technical Content to Pre-service Technology Education Teachers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Interviews with 28 faculty and administrators in 3 technology teacher education programs found that organizational structure and course configuration influenced faculty and administrator interaction in terms of common educational philosophy, the nature of leadership, influence of institutional goals, effect of accrediting agencies, math/science requirements, and recruitment and retention. (SK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The STEM Initiative: Constraints and Challenges

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There is considerable national interest in STEM initiatives, but yet there is little discussion concerning what STEM means in terms of a curriculum concept to be applied to school programming. This article focuses on STEM as a curriculum concept. First, STEM programming is discussed in terms of separate subjects, correlated and broad fields curriculum models. The issue of subject structure is examined. A distinction also is made between the four STEM subjects in terms of formal and applicative uses of knowledge. Second, some practical programming issues are discussed. These include the almost exclusive focus on science and math to the exclusion of technology and engineering; the challenge of serving multiple student populations; and the issue of what to do with the “T” in STEM. A concluding section… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math and Science Teacher Shortages: Dilemmas Old and New.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This presentation describes the problem of teacher shortages in mathematics and science, providing a brief overview and some background for subsequent discussions of possible activities, solutions, and strategies. Five views that shape the problem definition are first given: (1) individual teachers do make a difference; (2) to be effective, teachers must be masters of what they teach, and must find their subjects intensely intriguing; (3) solving the teacher shortage should be focused at all levels; (4) the problem is one of both quantity and quality; and (5) this is not a new problem. Then two reasons for the teacher shortages are discussed: the severe reduction in the number of newly trained persons entering teaching, and the large exodus of those in teaching. The decline in quality and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching EcoJustice in STEM Methods Courses

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article provides concrete critical and ethical responses to dominant educational policies promoting the teaching of STEM fields. Recognizing how dominant discourses of modernity (Martusewicz, et al. 2015) work discursively to constitute STEM, this paper examines and exposes how STEM education is prioritized via funding in teacher education. As well, STEM is prioritized throughout state teacher licensure policies, to the effect that, e.g., all licensed elementary teachers are required to take STEM methods courses. This article provides an example whereby the space that mainstream STEM creates can then be appropriated for radical, EcoJustice Education (Martusewicz et al., 2015). Specifically, this paper shares conceptual research theorizing the inclusion of Ecojustice Education in elementary science methods and elementary math methods courses. Building on the work of social justice education,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Leadership for Indigenous Education: Culture-Based Communication and the Impact on Student Achievement in Hawaii

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this quantitative correlational research study, the degree to which a school leader’s culture-based communication style could predict student achievement outcomes in the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA) in reading and math in: (a) schools with a Native Hawaiian mission, and (b) schools without a Native Hawaiian mission, were examined. The population of the study was all 284 K-12 Department of Education schools in Hawaii and publicly funded charter schools. Within this selected population of K-12 schools, 20 schools and corresponding school leaders were selected from Hawaiian-missioned schools, and 20 from Western-missioned schools. Findings include that culture-based communication style of leaders only influences learner reading sores, where school leaders who use engagement culture-based communication style score significantly high than those who have leaders who use other communication styles.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Dark Side of CML: A Look at Expert Systems.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The paper examines implications of the application of computer expert systems in the field of education, particularly special education. The development of expert systems in general is reviewed as are its applications in education as intelligent tutoring systems and in special education in the areas of student classification, teacher education, math teaching consultancy, and language teaching consultancy. The literature on the role of artificial intelligence is then reviewed noting concerns with increasing reliance on technology, the increasing tendency toward technological elitism, possible reductions in human creativity, and the need for man to control technology and not be controlled by it. While noting the contributions of computer managed learning to special education in individualizing learning and recordkeeping, the paper raises questions concerning effects of future more extensive use… Continue Reading