har udgivet:
This theme issue of a Texas journal on gifted education contains articles focusing on math and science instruction for gifted students. “Science Education for Gifted Students” (Joyce VanTassel-Baska) discusses what a science curriculum for gifted students should include, what teachers can do to make reform efforts successful, and how to teach mathematics to talented learners. “Young Math Whizzes: Can Their Needs Be Met in the Regular Classroom?” (Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik) provides options for educating mathematically talented students in the regular classroom and discusses issues that regular classroom teachers might encounter. “Nurturing Future Edisons: Teaching Invention to Gifted Students” (Johnathan Plucker and Michael Gorman) describes a project to develop gifted college students’ inventive skills. In “Raising Cattle: Gifted Education Comes Alive” (Elaine Gray, Scott Barton, and James Coffey), a middle school program that combines gifted education with the latest practices in modern cattle husbandry is reviewed. “Is it Worth Leaving a Good High School and a Good Home To Go a Long Distance to TAMS?” (Colleen Elam) describes a parent’s decision to send her daughter to the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS) and the daughter’s experience at TAMS. Some articles include references. (CR)