Kernemodul 2: Ikt og interaktionsdesign

I dag startede kernemodul 2: Ikt og interaktionsdesign. Herunder kan man finde litteraturlisten og 2 opstartsvideoer om interaktionsdesign. Modul 2 er delt op i 2 kurser med hver deres tilhørende litteratur. Jeg glæder mig også til at komme i gang med dette modul.

Gillian Crampton Smith – What is interaction design

Bill Moggride lecture at Stanford with Terry Winograd




Barthes, R. (1996). Det lyse kammer: bemærkninger om fotografiet. Politisk Revy.
KL. (2014). Fakta-ark - brugerportalsinitiativet -  2. fase. http://www.kl.dk/PageFiles/1300842/Faktaark%20brugerportalsinitiativet.pdf
Preece, J., Rogers, Y., & Sharp, H. (2011). Interaction design: beyond human-computer interaction (3. ed). Wiley.
Stoltenberg, G. (2015, October 7). Læringsplatform - Brugerportalsinitiativet. Læringsplatform - Brugerportalsinitiativet, Park-Inn, København. http://www.kl.dk/PageFiles/1314105/bpi-oplaeg.pdf

Kursus 1: Erkendelse og visualisering

Primær litteratur

Arnheim, R. (1969). Visual thinking (Nachdr.). Univ. of California Press.
Bruner, J. S. (2003). Making stories: law, literature, life (1. Harvard Univ. Press paperback ed). Harvard Univ. Press.
Bruner, J. S. (1991). The Narrative Construction of Reality. Critical Inquiry, 18(1), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1086/448619
Kjørup, S. (1995). Hvorfor smiler Mona Lisa?: en bog om billeder og deres brug. Roskilde Universitetsforlag.
Nielsen, J. (2002). Visual communication and interaction. Digital Creativity, 13(2), 65–70. https://doi.org/10.1076/digc.
Nielsen, J. (2003). The Imaginative Powers of the User´s Mind: A Prerequisite in Human-Computer Interaction. In Human-Computer Interaction: Theory and Practice, (part 1). Volume 1 of the Proceedings of HCI International 2003, 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2003 5th International Conference Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics 2nd International Conference on Universal Access in Human - Computer Interaction 22 -27 June 2003, Crete, Grece (pp. 371–375). openarchive.cbs.dk/bitstream/handle/10398/6470/2002-14.pdf
Nielsen, J. (1987). Introduktion til en erkendelsesmodel. In Datamater og erkendelsesprocesser: en teoretisk analyse af erkendelsesparadigmer, set i relation til nogle 8. klasse elevers arbejde med datamater (pp. 123–137). Institut for Pædagogik og Psykologi, Danmarks Lærerhøjskole.
Petersen, H., & Nielsen, J. (2002). Visual communication and interaction. Digital Creativity, 13(2), 65–71. https://doi.org/10.1076/digc.
Polanyi, M. (1968). Logic and psychology. American Psychologist, 23(1), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0037692

Sekundær litteratur

Biegeleisen, J. I. (1995). Classic type faces and how to use them: including 91 complete fonts. Dover Publications.
Boehner, K., Vertesi, J., Sengers, P., & Dourish, P. (2007). How HCI interprets the probes. 1077. https://doi.org/10.1145/1240624.1240789
Bruner, J. S. (2003). Making stories: law, literature, life (1. Harvard Univ. Press paperback ed). Harvard Univ. Press.
Bundgaard, C. (2001, April 17). Den usynlige skrift. Politiken, 7.
Dreyfuss, H. (1984). Symbol sourcebook: an authoritative guide to international graphic symbols (1. publ). Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Petersen, H., & Nielsen, J. (2002). The eye of the user: the influence of movement on users’ visual attention. Digital Creativity, 13(2), 109–121. https://doi.org/10.1076/digc.

Kursus 2: Interaktionsdesign

Primær litteratur

Bertelsen, O. W., Bødker, S., Kuutti, K., NordiCHI, & Association for Computing Machinery (Eds.). (2002). NordiCHI 2002: proceedings of the Second Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, October 19 - 23, 2002, Aarhus, Denmark ; tradition and transcendence. Association for Computing Machinery.
Gaver, B., Dunne, T., & Pacenti, E. (1999). Design: Cultural probes. Interactions, 6(1), 21–29. https://doi.org/10.1145/291224.291235
Levinsen, K. T., & Informatik, H. i K. I. for. (2002). The Interaction Designers’ Perspective on Interaction: Towards a Reunion of Theory and Practice (Working Paper No. 5; p. 16). Institut for Informatik, Handelshøjskolen i København. http://research.cbs.dk/portal/da/publications/the-interaction-designers-perspective-on-interaction(00d9cf90-8eb9-11db-a124-000ea68e967b).html
Levinsen, K. T., & Nielsen, J. (2012). Innovating Design for Learning in the Networked Society. In L. Dirckinck-Holmfeld, V. Hodgson, & D. McConnell (Eds.), Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning (pp. 237–256). Springer New York. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-0496-5_14
Madsen, S., & Nielsen, L. (2010). Exploring Persona-Scenarios - Using Storytelling to Create Design Ideas. In D. Katre, R. Orngreen, P. Yammiyavar, & T. Clemmensen (Eds.), Human Work Interaction Design: Usability in Social, Cultural and Organizational Contexts (Vol. 316, pp. 57–66). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-642-11762-6_5
Millen, D. R. (2000). Rapid ethnography: time deepening strategies for HCI field research. 280–286. https://doi.org/10.1145/347642.347763
Nielsen, J., & Yssing, C. (2004). What Kind of Information does an HCI expert want?: On concurrent usability testing (Working Paper No. 15; p. 4). http://openarchive.cbs.dk/bitstream/handle/10398/6465/15-2004.pdf?sequence=1
Nielsen, J., Clemmensen, T., & Yssing, C. (2002). Getting access to what goes on in people’s heads?: Reflections on the think-aloud technique. 101. https://doi.org/10.1145/572020.572033

Sekundær litteratur

Blomberg, J., Burrell, M., & Guest, G. (2003). The Human-computer Interaction Handbook (J. A. Jacko & A. Sears, Eds.; pp. 964–986). L. Erlbaum Associates Inc. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=772072.772133
Blomberg, J., Giacomi, J., Mosher, A., & Swenton-wall, P. (1993). Ethnographic field methods and their relation to design. In Participatory design: principles and practices (pp. 123–155). L. Erlbaum Associates.
Gaffney, G. (2006). What is a Cultural Probe? http://infodesign.com.au/ftp/CulturalProbes.pdf
Gaffney, G. (n.d.). Card sorting | Information & Design. Information & Design. Retrieved October 16, 2015, from http://infodesign.com.au/usabilityresources/cardsorting/
Gaffney, G. (n.d.). Cultural probes | Information & Design. Retrieved October 16, 2015, from http://infodesign.com.au/usabilityresources/culturalprobes/
Harrison, S., Back, M., & Tatar, D. (2006). “It’s Just a Method!”: a pedagogical experiment in interdisciplinary design. 261. https://doi.org/10.1145/1142405.1142445
Hemmings, T., Clarke, K., Rouncefield, M., Crabtree, A., & Rodden, T. (2002). Probing the Probes. PDC, 42–50. http://ojs.ruc.dk/index.php/pdc/article/view/239
Nielsen, J., & Christiansen, N. (2000). Mindtape: A Tool for Reflection in Participatory Design. PDC, 309–313. http://ojs.ruc.dk/index.php/pdc/article/view/228
Nielsen, L., & Madsen, S. (n.d.). Using Storytelling to Identify Requirements – Exploring Persona-Scenarios in Context. Retrieved October 16, 2015, from http://personas.dk/?p=120
Nielsen, J., & Yssing, C. (2003). Getting beyond the disruptive effect of Think Aloud. In Proceedings of the Third Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium, Roskilde, Denmark 27th November, 2003 (pp. 67–70).
Nielsen, J., Clemmensen, T., & Yssing, C. (2002). Getting access to what goes on in people’s heads?: reflections on the think-aloud technique. 101. https://doi.org/10.1145/572020.572033
Nielsen, J., Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L., & Danielsen, O. (2003). Dialogue Design: With Mutual Learning as Guiding Principle. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 15(1), 21–40. vbn.aau.dk/files/214663969/DirckinckHolmfeld_Nielsen_Danielsen.
Schuler, D., & Namioka, A. (Eds.). (1993). Participatory design: principles and practices. L. Erlbaum Associates.


Troels Gannerup Christensen

Jeg er ansat som lektor hos Læreruddannelsen i Jelling, hvor jeg underviser i matematik, specialiseringsmodulet teknologiforståelse, praktik m.m. Jeg har tidligere været ansat som pædagogisk konsulent i matematik og tysk hos UCL ved Center for Undervisningsmidler (CFU) i Vejle og lærer i udskolingen (7.-9. klasse) på Lyshøjskolen i Kolding. Jeg er ejer af og driver bl.a. hjemmesiderne www.lærklokken.dk og www.iundervisning.dk, ggbkursus.dk og er tidligere fagredaktør på matematik på emu.dk. Jeg går ind for, at læring skal være let tilgængelig og i størst mulig omfang gratis at benytte.

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