Eric.ed.gov – What Can I Use Tomorrow? Strategies for Accessible Math and Science Curriculum for Diverse Learners in Rural Schools.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Increased requirements for inclusion have created a growing demand for special educators to have content expertise in areas such as math and science. One recommended practice involves integrating the “big ideas” that are the foundation for understanding mathematics and science across the curriculum. Teachers also need to create a classroom climate that is supportive and content rich. Grouping students into pairs or triads supports student needs. Special educators can collaborate with other teachers by creating a bank of instructional activities on selected math and science topics. Collaborative strategies can be modeled through peer tutoring. Students should be encouraged to explore metacognitive thinking styles so they can apply metacognitive strategies to their daily lives. Skills outlined by standards should be presented in an order that makes sense to… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Repeated sampling with a black box to make informal statistical inference accessible

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT While various studies suggest that informal statistical inference (ISI) can be developed by young students, more research is needed to translate this claim into a well-founded learning trajectory (LT). As a contribution, this paper presents the results of a cycle of design research that focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of the first part of an LT for ISI, in which ninth-grade students (N = 20) are introduced to the key concepts of sample, frequency distribution, and simulated sampling distribution. The results show that an LT starting from repeated sampling with a black box may support the accessibility of these concepts, as these students were able to make inferences with the frequency distribution from repeated samples as… Continue Reading