tandfonline.com – Factors from informal learning contributing to the children’s interest in STEM – experiences from the out-of-school activity called Children’s University

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background: Previous studies have investigated effects of out-of-school STEM activities aimed at stimulating children’s interest in science with positive results. However, research has not discussed the reasons why such activities are successful. Purpose: In this study, we address this gap by investigating which factors children themselves identified as interesting when they visited events at an out-of-school activity named The Children’s University. Sample: Children aged 8–12 participated in the study. Altogether, there were 353 children involved in the data collection. Design and methods: A mixed method design was used, including a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews in which children’s self-reported experiences were collected. Likert scale questions in the questionnaire were analysed based on descriptive statistics. The open-ended questions and data… Continue Reading


sciencedirect.com – Because I Am called: How a calling to teach emerges and develops in teachers working in catholic high schools

sciencedirect.com har udgivet: Highlights • Five archetypes of callings are found in in-depth interviews with 76+ teachers. • Spiritual and religious comprehension of callings is exposed through narratives. • The meaning of work expressed as a calling is prevalent in high school teachers. Abstract In examining how teachers discover, live, and define their calling to teach, this qualitative study on veteran teachers in different countries in the Americas introduces five archetypes of callings: the listeners, the martyrs, the embedders, the builders, and the chosen ones. Each of them portrays a particular aspect of the experience of having a calling to teach. The narratives of these five teachers, augmented by the 76 teachers interviewed who group themselves within these focal narratives, illuminate the power of calling and suggest a rethinking of… Continue Reading