tandfonline.com – What drives global science? The four competing narratives

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Since 1990 there has been remarkable growth and diversification of worldwide capacity and output in science, and a distinctive global science system has emerged, primarily grounded in research universities, fostered by Internet-mediated communication and publication in English, cross-border authorship and researcher mobility. While global science overlaps with and is affected by national science systems, it is constituted by pan-national knowledge flows and collegial collaboration and has partial autonomy. Four different interpretive frameworks (narratives) have evolved to explain global science: science as an expanding cross-border network; science as an arms race between competing nations; science as a global market of competing ‘World-Class Universities’; and science as a centre-periphery hierarchy in which emerging countries are permanently constrained by Euro-American dominance.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Science & Math Events: Connecting and Competing.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This book lists and describes opportunities for teenagers to participate in organized science and math activities within and without the classroom. Students may participate at the local or school level by joining clubs and interest groups and by entering fairs; at the national level, by entering competitions of various sorts; and at the international level, by competing in olympiads and other kinds of contests. The experiences of teachers and students involved in these types of activities, information about the organization and functions of activities, and survey results are described. Lists of national and international science and mathematics activities are provided. (CW) Link til kilde