Eric.ed.gov – A Case Study: Teachers’ Confidence in Their Own and Their Students’ Abilities in Deaf/Hard of Hearing High School Mathematics Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Current educational reform in mathematics education reflects attempts to incorporate the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The CCSS decrees both content standards and mathematical practices (process standards) that students should master if they are to be sufficiently prepared for college or a career. This paper investigates the confidence reported by 16 deaf/hard of hearing high school teachers in their ability to teach all of the mathematical standards and practices, as well as their confidence in their students’ ability to learn the same. Results suggest that differences in these teachers’ confidence, as well as their confidence in their students’ ability, is directly related to differences between teachers with a college-level math qualification and teachers with no tertiary math qualification. Self-identified needs are distilled into suggested topics for, and… Continue Reading