Eric.ed.gov – The Role of Classroom Quality in Explaining Head Start Impacts

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study seeks to answer the following question: Are impacts on Head Start classroom quality associated with impacts of Head Start on children’s learning and development? This study employs a variety of descriptive and quasi-experimental methods to explore the role of classroom quality as a mediator or mechanism of Head Start impacts. This research uses data from the Head Start Impact Study (HSIS) and includes 4,440 3- and 4-year-old children who were randomly assigned off a waitlist to either receive an invitation to participate in Head Start services or to the control group. Children initially applied to 351 Head Start programs across 81 Head Start grantees. A total of 2,644 children were randomized to receive Head Start services and 1,796 were randomized to the control group. Following… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Development of Mathematical Self-Concept during College: Unique Benefits for Women in Math-Intensive Majors? ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: While previous research has outlined factors that can be used to predict academic self-concept among college students, much of this research pays little attention to how self-concept develops differently for unique subgroups of students. This paper examines the development of mathematical self-concept during college for four groups of students who entered college with significantly different levels of math confidence: (1) men in math-intensive majors; (2) women in math-intensive majors; (3) men in non-math-intensive majors; and (4) women in non-math-intensive majors. Data are examined from surveys of over 14,000 college freshmen at 191 institutions who were followed up 4 years after college entry. Regression analyses describe how the factors contributing to the development of math self-concept differentiate among the four groups and suggest how women who persist in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Engaging Honors Students in Purposeful Planning through a Concept Mapping Assignment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In Larry Clark’s monograph chapter on the education of academically talented college students, he challenged honors educators to consider their role in helping students find their path, particularly through the addition of self-reflection and exploratory projects in honors courses. In an honors first-year experience (FYE) course for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) majors at the University of Florida, one assignment was designed in particular to meet the special needs of honors students and to achieve Larry Clark’s goals. This article serves as an illustration and model of “helping students find their path” through Melissa Johnson’s perspective as an instructor, and through the comments of two first-year students–Stephanie Podjed and Sean Taasan–who took an honors FYE course for STEM majors at the University of Florida. The honors… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Pamela Kaye’s General Math Class: From a Computational to a Conceptual Orientation. Research Series No. 172.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study presents a descriptive portrait of how one general mathematics teacher transformed her classes from a computational to a conceptual orientation. The outcomes of the transformation for student learning and instruction are discussed. The findings suggest student gains in computational competence, mathematical effort, and attitude via concept-oriented instruction exceeded notably the gains of students in other classes where instruction was computationally oriented. The study employed field-research methods including observations, interviews, and the collection of student data across the project’s three years to capture and describe the nature and effects of the instructional interventions. At the end of the intervention period, students and instruction were organized in ways that focused student interest, attention, and involvement on the learning of mathematics. Many illustrative segments of classroom interactions… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Classroom Climate According to Grant Holders 18 (Becarios 18) and Regular Students from a Private University in Lima

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The admission of poor students sponsored by the Beca 18 social program into Lima universities is a recent phenomenon that requires studies on their adjustment and academic performance. This research targeted Beca 18 students at USIL and compared their responses to a questionnaire on perceptions of classroom climate with those from regular students. Both were participating in the course on math analysis offered to engineering students. In the general context of positive perceptions of classroom climate, Beca 18 students slightly differed from regular students, showing more positive perceptions of professor’s behavior in terms of creation of a working environment, class pace, interest in the student, and promotion of cooperation and group work. A greater difference was observed in regard of the avoidance of a climate of competition,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Mobile Learning (12th, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, April 9-11, 2016)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: These proceedings contain the papers of the 12th International Conference on Mobile Learning 2016, which was organized by the International Association for Development of the Information Society, in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, April 9-11, 2016. The Mobile Learning 2016 Conference seeks to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of mobile learning research which illustrate developments in the field. Full papers presented in these proceedings include: (1) Mobile Devices and Spatial Enactments of Learning: iPads in Lower Secondary Schools (Bente Meyer); (2) NetEnquiry–A Competitive Mobile Learning Approach for the Banking Sector (Marc Beutner, Matthias Teine, Marcel Gebbe and Lara Melissa Fortmann); (3) M-Learning Challenges in Teaching Crosscutting Themes in the Education of Young People and Adults (Marcos Andrei Ota and Carlos Fernando de Araujo Jr); (4) Mobile… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Closing the Gap: An Overview of the Literature on College Persistence and Underrepresented Populations

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Access to and persistence through higher education can significantly impact occupational stability and mental wellness in the United States (U.S.), with higher levels of education contributing to increased employability and wellness. Empirical research suggests that college attendance improves verbal communication, moral reasoning, and critical thinking skills (Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005) and has been linked to lower unemployment rates, greater job satisfaction, lower reliance on public assistance programs, lower rates of obesity, and other health and wellness outcomes (Baum, Ma, & Payea, 2013). Furthermore, attaining a college degree is a key factor in improving one’s earnings and long-term financial stability. For example, recent research found that among full-time employed young adults between the ages of 25 and 34, those with a bachelor’s degree earned more, on average, than… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Gender Equity in High School Math: A Study of Female Participation and Achievement.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This survey of 316 Precalculus, Calculus AB, and Calculus BC students from markedly different socioeconomic levels in four district high schools in San Antonio, Texas, looked at factors that have traditionally caused women to avoid mathematics, and attempted to discover which of them continue to influence women’s decisions to reject the discipline. The questionnaire contained 25 questions based on assumptions drawn from literature on the subject. Reported and discussed are all differences in gender opinion above 9 percentage points, even though a difference of 11.4 percentage points would begin to indicate a statistically significant result. Findings where such differences occur showed that: (1) mathematics enrollment favored men, especially in BC Calculus; (2) female respondents more frequently perceived no bias in teacher expectations; (3) female students less frequently… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Online Course Use in Iowa and Wisconsin Public High Schools: The Results of Two Statewide Surveys. REL 2015-065

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As the use of online courses in high schools increases rapidly across the United States, schools are using courses from a multitude of sources to achieve a variety of educational goals. Policies and practices for monitoring student progress and success in online courses are also diverse. Yet few states formally track or report student participation in online learning. Iowa and Wisconsin are among the states that do not track such information. This study analyzed data from a survey developed to describe how and why brick-and-mortar public high schools in Iowa and Wisconsin use online learning for their students. The survey, developed by Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest in collaboration with members of its Virtual Education Research Alliance, reflects the need for better information about the basic characteristics of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Children’s Outcomes and Program Quality in the North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten Program: 2012-2013 Statewide Evaluation

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of the 2012-2013 North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten (NC Pre-K) Evaluation study was to examine the quality of the program and the outcomes for children, along with comparisons to previous years. The primary research questions addressed by this evaluation included: (1) What were the key characteristics of the local NC Pre-K programs?; (2) What was the quality of the NC Pre-K classrooms attended by children and what factors were associated with better quality?; (3) What were the outcomes of children attending the NC Pre-K Program and what factors were associated with better outcomes?; and (4) To what extent have there been any changes over time in these results? To address these questions, information was gathered from multiple sources, including monthly service reports, teacher surveys, observations of classroom… Continue Reading