Eric.ed.gov – Teachers’ Definition of Math: Creating and Implementing an Instrument.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: After having secondary math education majors write an essay entitled, “What is Mathematics?” for the past 4 years, the first attempt was made to create an instrument based on the results of these essays that would measure math beliefs. Based on previous research which suggests that a math teacher’s beliefs influence the teacher’s methodology, the instrument was administered to elementary education majors to determine their methodological tendencies. The results are compared to similar data obtained from secondary math education majors (n=11) and urban, college-bound high school juniors (n=13). The results suggest that elementary education majors who expect to teach mathematics need a broader vision of what mathematics is. Appendixes contain the survey instrument and results. (Author/NB) Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Defining business analytics: an empirical approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Searches of the Web using Google, and database searches of the academic and practitioner literature, return a large number of differing and varied definitions of the concept of business analytics. This article reviews the growing literature on Business Analytics (BA) using traditional and qualitative research tools. Our searches included using Google Search to identify examples of business analytics applications, and a focused keyword search of the available practitioner and academic literatures. Text analytics techniques identified frequently used terms in prior definitions of business analytics. Our empirical, inductive approach provides a basis for proposing and explaining a formal sentence definition for Business Analytics. The analysis provides a starting point for operationalising a measure for the business analytics construct. Additionally,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Can Classification Criteria Constitute a Correct Mathematical Definition? Preservice and In-Service Teachers’ Perspectives

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The study reported here addresses pre-service and in-service teachers’ attitudes toward mathematical-geometrical definitions. The goal of the study is to investigate whether understanding the role of definitions as classification and identification criteria will guarantee that participants: (1) accept that there may be more than one equivalent definition for particular concept; and (2) accept the minimal definitions which include necessary and sufficient attributes to be legal definitions. Fifty-three math educators participated the study, including 22 preservice junior teachers, 19 pre-service senior teachers and 12 in-service senior teachers. The findings indicate that considering (an) attribute/s as sufficient in order to classify examples and non-examples of the concept did not guarantee considering this/ese attributes as concept definition. 56% of the participants did not accept equivalent definitions as legal definitions, 36%… Continue Reading