Eric.ed.gov – Writing and Learning across Disciplinary Boundaries in College Math and Science Courses.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In six parts, this research panel report focuses on numerous aspects of an institutionally-supported project in Writing and Problem Solving across Disciplines conducted by four teachers at Central Oregon Community College in Bend, Oregon. The report’s first section, “Introduction,” is descriptive and gives some background on the research project. The report’s second section, “Final Report,” describes project activities completed, outlines project research questions, and summarizes findings. In the third section, 10 recommendations based on project findings are discussed. The fourth section presents materials from a presentation, including excerpts from “Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics” and from “Everybody Counts,” and a list of common faculty questions and responses. This section offers 12 writing and group learning assignments used effectively in Contemporary Mathematics for liberal arts students and Calculus… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Disciplinary literacies in STEM: what do undergraduates read, how do they read it, and can we teach scientific reading more effectively?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT There have been calls for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education to become more interdisciplinary, reflecting the reality of contemporary research. However, communicating across disciplines is challenging. In this article, I explore what and how students read in the STEM disciplines`. I provide an overview of key topics in literacy research, and discuss the disciplinary nature of literacy. I compare disciplinary literacy requirements in STEM through thematic analysis of UK quality subject benchmark statements, which identifies considerable variation in the expectations of undergraduates to engage with primary research literature. I explore implications this has for interdisciplinary teaching, and present some published pedagogical strategies for engaging students in research literature. I call on STEM educators to embed inclusive… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Disciplinary contextualisation of transversal competence in Finnish local curricula: the case of multiliteracy, mathematics, and social studies

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Competence-based education is a widely implemented educational approach, but more research is needed into the relationship between transversal competences and individual disciplines. In this article, we present the results of a study focusing on how the transversal competence of multiliteracy is contextually defined in Finnish local curricula in the disciplines of mathematics and social studies. The article offers new insights into the discussion between content- and competence-based educations by introducing the concept of disciplinary contextualisation. Based on the qualitatively analysed data, four different types of disciplinary contextualisation are presented and further discussed. The study also engages with the discussion in the field of multiliteracy by offering insights into the ways in which multiliteracy is rationalised, defined, and developed… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Disciplinary literacy in religious education: the role and relevance of reading

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Although religion has played a key role in reading instruction in many education systems, this position has been challenged by increasing religious diversity and the spread of non-religious worldviews. Simultaneously, there has been growing interest in the role of disciplinary literacy in education (i.e. the ways in which a discipline’s knowledge is created, shared and evaluated) as well as the role of the reader. Drawing on classroom observations and interviews in an exploratory study, the article focuses on how adolescents experience reading in religious education (RE). The study shows that students relate meaning-making in RE to developing respect and tolerance, that teachers focus on conceptual understanding while students request a focus on lived religion, and that student meaning-making… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using a Disciplinary Literacy Framework to Teach High School Physics: An Action Research Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This action research study investigated the impact of teaching physics using a disciplinary literacy framework for instruction across all units in one academic year. Through a suite of vocabulary strategies and lessons that encourage students to write, speak, draw, mathematically translate, and design experiments, students learn to do physics by approximating problems and tasks like physicists. The data from this study suggests that students who exhibit these physicist-like disciplinary literacy behaviors may perform better on math-based assessments so long as they employ disciplinary literacy strategies while problem solving. By teaching via a disciplinary literacy framework, the classroom may become more student-driven where disciplinary literacy behaviors are observable which may result in higher scores on teacher evaluation instruments that favor student-driven instruction. While students that exhibit disciplinary literacy… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Becoming Socially Just Disciplinary Teachers through a Community Service Learning Project

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study explores community service learning, disciplinary literacy, and social justice. Participants were seven Mexican American preservice secondary teachers in science, math, and language arts who tutored and gardened with children in a South Texas after-school tutorial agency as part of an ESL literacy methods course. Data gathering tools consisted of participant observations, written reflections, learning logs, visual metaphors, and a focus group discussion. Social justice themes were: respondents’ realizations of structural inequalities and their actions to counteract hegemonic inequalities. Disciplinary literacy themes were: participants’ learning more about their disciplines and disciplinary literacy, increased motivation and efficacy to teach their subjects, and the importance of the colonia, or unincorporated neighborhood, as an intersection between social justice and disciplinary literacy. Link til kilde