tandfonline.com – Educating the Next Generation of Remote Sensing Specialists: Skills and Industry Needs in a Changing World

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Educating the Next Generation of Remote Sensing Specialists: Skills and Industry Needs in a Changing World Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Educating teachers for the future school- the challenge of bridging between perceptions of quality teaching and policy decisions:reflections from Norway

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Teacher quality, or ‘the good teacher’ is not clearly defined in Norway, nor are there specific standards for measuring teacher quality. Everybody has an opinion about the good teacher, and teacher quality is frequently debated. Moreover, in Norway there is no systematic evaluation of teachers. Nevertheless, numerous reforms and popular discourses indirectly revisit and revise the formal qualification competences of teachers. This paper is an explorative journey into research, fiction and policy documents searching for how teacher quality has been, and is, perceived in Norway. The paper discusses relevant research, presents a historical contextualisation, my interpretations of selected fiction literature, and policy documents. I argue that teacher education has the responsibility of not merely translating policies into practice,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Technology in Mathematics: Issues in Educating Teacher Candidates for Rural Math Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper examines the reality of teaching math in the rural southeast. Rural districts have low student expenditures and high transportation costs, due in part to the limited tax-base available. This leaves limited funds for technology. Universities prepare preservice teachers to teach math using the latest technology, however, many of these preservice teachers will return to classrooms with limited or out-dated technology. This paper presents a case-study of preservice students’ education and field experiences in rural northern Mississippi. Further, implications for changes in how we teach technology to preservice students who will likely return to rural settings are discussed. (Contains 3 figures.) Link til kilde