tandfonline.com – Institutional entrepreneurs and socio-institutional changes in Medellín, Colombia

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT During a period of regional structural change, the socio-institutional structure and the techno-economic structure are temporarily decoupled due to the relative inertia of the former compared with the rapid changes in the latter. The lag in the coevolution of the socio-institutional and techno-economic structures generates inefficiencies and instabilities, causing transitional failure. In exploring the rationale for policy intervention, this paper examines the actors that aim to influence socio-institutional changes in Medellín, Colombia. It finds that the private sector, under the informal leadership of the Grupo Empresarial Antioqueño, has played the role of institutional entrepreneurs to influence socio-institutional changes. In regions located on the knowledge periphery, in which the socio-institutional structure has not yet fully coevolved with the novel… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Individuals in action: bringing about innovation in higher education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article addresses academics who innovate in higher education and their characteristics. We undertake a qualitative case study of six individuals who implemented disruptive and transformative pedagogical approaches and curricular practices in their departments and/or at their institutions. Our findings point to six common characteristics – motivation to change institutionalized practices, interest in change, experience in the field, multi-embeddedness, authority to act, and the strategic use of social networks – which seem to play a role at individual levels in driving these disruptive and transformative approaches. While acknowledging studies in higher education that address innovation as a response to exogenous influences, this study highlights the role of individuals with certain characteristics in driving innovation and processes of endogenous… Continue Reading