Eric.ed.gov – An Evaluation of the Usefulness of Prosodic and Lexical Cues for Understanding Synthesized Speech of Mathematics. Research Report No. RR-16-33

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The work described in this report is the second phase of a project to provide easy-to-use tools for authoring and rendering secondaryschool algebra-levelmath expressions insynthesized speech that is useful for studentswithblindnessor lowvision.This report describes the development and results of the second feedback study performed for our project, Expanding Audio Access toMathematics Expressions by StudentsWith Visual Impairments viaMathML. That study focused on the use of certain prosodic and lexical elements in the ClearSpeak speech style and served as a basis for further refinements in that style’s definition and implementation in the MathPlayer software. The primary parameters evaluated are students’ success in drawing conclusions about the content and structure of certain math expressions and their perceptions regarding the helpfulness of the pace and wording of different text-to-speech renditions of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – CIRC and STAD in Iranian context: Through the five elements to cooperative learning of lexical collocations

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Cooperative learning is an approach of teaching and learning that roots in communicative language teaching (CLT). There are five elements that build up the essence of this approach and its methods, namely, positive interdependence, individual accountability, face to face interaction, interpersonal skills, and group processing. Inspired by the gap in the literature, using a mixed-method design, this study attempted to investigate how these elements are at play in the context of Iran, which is relatively individualistic and competitive with regard to the learning culture. In the quantitative phase of the study, the comparative investigation on the impact of Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD) and Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) showed CIRC worked significantly better in improving EFL learners’… Continue Reading