tandfonline.com – Locked in: understanding the ‘irreversibility’ of powerful private supplementary tutoring markets

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Private supplementary tutoring (PST) is a phenomenon growing throughout the world. Looking at regions such as East Asia where it is already vast and comparing with regions where it remains modest but is rising, some authors have argued that countries must act quickly to discourage negative societal implications which arise when PST grows. One underpinning suggestion here is the notion that addressing PST may be time-critical. Drawing on insights from political science on the nature of continuity and change, in this paper I explore the possibility that societies could become substantially ‘locked in’ to complex patterns of dependence on PST. I report on the case of South Korea, drawing on interviews with experts in the Korean education system.… Continue Reading