tandfonline.com – Exploring public and private preschool teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding gifted children from three to six years old in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine public and private preschool teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding children aged three to six who are gifted in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the differences between teachers’ beliefs and practice. Presently, no agreement exists among researchers on the definition of gifted children, and the Saudi Ministry of Education does not provide any programmes to guide teachers on how to identify and teach gifted children. This qualitative study suggests that Saudi Arabian public and private preschool teachers believe children who are gifted have stronger cognitive abilities, among others, than their classmates. Moreover, the study suggests that strong similarities exist between public and private preschool teachers’ methods of support for gifted… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Exposing the “shadow”: an empirical scrutiny of the “shadowing process“ of private tutoring in India

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT A growing body of research shows that private tutoring is a globally pervasive phenomenon. A common way in which tutoring provisions are defined is with the use of the metaphor “shadow education”, signifying that tutoring centres “shadow” formal schools. Despite the popularity of this metaphor in the field, how “shadowing” occurs as a process and what implications this process has for formal schooling and society have seldom been put through empirical scrutiny. To redress this gap in the literature, this article draws on the data produced through an ethnography of schooling in Dehradun (India) between 2014–15. The discussion on specific ways in which the institutional arrangement of private tutoring aligns with that of formal schooling reveals the socio-educational embeddedness… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Locked in: understanding the ‘irreversibility’ of powerful private supplementary tutoring markets

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Private supplementary tutoring (PST) is a phenomenon growing throughout the world. Looking at regions such as East Asia where it is already vast and comparing with regions where it remains modest but is rising, some authors have argued that countries must act quickly to discourage negative societal implications which arise when PST grows. One underpinning suggestion here is the notion that addressing PST may be time-critical. Drawing on insights from political science on the nature of continuity and change, in this paper I explore the possibility that societies could become substantially ‘locked in’ to complex patterns of dependence on PST. I report on the case of South Korea, drawing on interviews with experts in the Korean education system.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Classroom Climate According to Grant Holders 18 (Becarios 18) and Regular Students from a Private University in Lima

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The admission of poor students sponsored by the Beca 18 social program into Lima universities is a recent phenomenon that requires studies on their adjustment and academic performance. This research targeted Beca 18 students at USIL and compared their responses to a questionnaire on perceptions of classroom climate with those from regular students. Both were participating in the course on math analysis offered to engineering students. In the general context of positive perceptions of classroom climate, Beca 18 students slightly differed from regular students, showing more positive perceptions of professor’s behavior in terms of creation of a working environment, class pace, interest in the student, and promotion of cooperation and group work. A greater difference was observed in regard of the avoidance of a climate of competition,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Can a judge rely on his private knowledge? Early modern Lutherans and Catholics compared

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract This article examines the opinions of Catholic and Lutheran authors on the question of whether a judge should decide a case according to his personal knowledge when that knowledge conflicts with the charges and evidence at the trial. The majority of the Catholics contended that the judge had to follow the evidence. They distinguished between the judge as a public functionary and as a private man. The judge could not use in a trial what he knew as a man. There were certain Lutherans whose opinions remained close to this position. However, a significant number argued that the distinction between the judge as a functionary and as a man lacked foundation. Divine law commanded the judge to avoid lies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Comprehensive Private School Model for Low-Income Urban Children in Mexico. Policy Research Working Paper 8669

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In low-income countries, private schools are perceived as superior alternatives to the public sector, often improving achievement at a fraction of the cost. It is unclear whether private schools are as effective in middle-income countries where the public sector has relatively more resources. To address this gap, this paper takes advantage of lottery-based admissions in first grade for a Mexico City private school that targets and subsidizes attendance for low-income children. Over three years, selected students via lottery scored 0.21 standard deviation higher than those not selected in literacy tests, corresponding to a normalized gain of one-half of a grade level every two years. Lottery winners also statistically outperformed those not selected in math, but the gains were more modest. Relative to the control group, parents of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Private schooling, subject choice, upper secondary attainment and progression to university

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With approximately three times the resources per pupil in private compared with state schools, Britain’s private sector presents an interesting case of what could be expected from schools that are extremely well resourced. This paper studies the links between private schooling and educational performance in upper secondary school, as measured through their performance in ‘A level’, the main school-leaving assessment which determines access to universities. Using an English longitudinal study, we find evidence that, compared with otherwise observably similar state school students in upper secondary education and controlling for prior attainment, those at private school study more ‘facilitating’ subjects, which are known to be favoured by high-status universities; they are placed 8 percentage points higher in the A… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Transforming in awareness of relationship problems due to excessive private education in Korea

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Transforming in awareness of relationship problems due to excessive private education in Korea Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Satisfaction with work-related achievements in Brunei public and private sector employees

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The present study assessed the prevalence of satisfaction with work-related achievements in a random sample 860 Brunei public and private sector employees representing both genders. Job satisfaction is important since it acts as a source of intrinsic motivation encouraging workers to be industrious and efficient. Job satisfaction among workers is likely to contribute to employee happiness, well-being, and retention. On the other hand, job dissatisfaction often leads to high likelihood risks of reducing staff morale, increasing resignations or worker-turnover, and decreased productivity. A quantitative field survey was used and data were analyzed by binary logistic regression. Male employees were more satisfied than female peers. In addition, workers in the Brunei-Muara district were also more satisfied than their counterparts… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Fifty years in home computing, the digital computer and its private use(er)s

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The following chapter will discuss the relation between home computer history and computer programming – with a focus on game programming. The nurseries of the early 1980s are the origins of the later computer game industry and the private use of microcomputers becomes an essential part of the ‘playful’ exploration and emancipation of technology. This is why the contribution that home computing added to the history of digital economics, culture and even thought cannot be estimated high enough. After the definition of central terms and discussing the main problems of the historiography of technology and computing, the main topic separated in decades will be portrayed. The milestones of home computer technology will be linked to the scenes and (sub)cultures… Continue Reading