Eric.ed.gov – The Magnitude, Destinations and Determinants of Mathematics and Science Teacher Turnover

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The objective of this study is to use nationally representative data to examine the rates, destinations and sources of math and science teacher turnover. There are four sets of research questions the authors address concerning the departure of mathematics and science teachers from their schools: (1) At what rates do mathematics/science teachers move from or leave their teaching jobs? How do their turnover rates compare to those of other teachers? Have their turnover rates changed over time? What is the magnitude of both math science teacher mobility and attrition?; (2) Which types of schools have higher levels of mathematics/science teacher turnover?; (3) What are the destinations of mathematics/science teachers who move from or leave their teaching jobs? What proportions of those departing move to other schools, quit… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Symbolic Magnitude Understanding Predicts Preschoolers’ Later Addition Skills

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Symbolic Magnitude Understanding Predicts Preschoolers’ Later Addition Skills Link til kilde